View Full Version : VTT with Separate Combat Tracker

May 14th, 2018, 03:07
Hi all,
I have a question; first, some background:

I have standard license, which I use to run a VTT for my face to face gaming group. We are going to start playing Starfinder next week.

I have been doing the usual thing where I run a second instance of FG on my laptop and project it to the TV on my VTT. I was wondering if there is any way to get a second screen going, just for the combat tracker. Instead of using valuable acreage on my VTT screen for a combat tracker, could I run a second laptop, facing the group, with the combat tracker only?

The only way I can think of to do this is by upgrading to Ultimate, or buying a second Standard license to run on my second laptop. I just dropped $100 on the ruleset for Starfinder, so my hobby budget is shot for the month. I can't really afford another $110 or even another $40 to get another license.

Any suggestions? What do you guys do?

May 14th, 2018, 04:33
You can only have one unlicensed or localhost connection to a standard license at any one time. So, you're not going to be able to do what you want to do without getting an additional license.

Maybe get a standard subscription for 1 month to see if it's a setup that works well for you.

May 14th, 2018, 04:36
Start up a second copy, connect to your game using the host "localhost". No second license is needed.

May 14th, 2018, 04:38
Start up a second copy, connect to your game using the host "localhost". No second license is needed.
From what the OP is saying they are already doing that. From what I understand they want to run another FG session (2 player sessions) to just display the combat tracker on another screen.

May 14th, 2018, 04:41
I think you can do it (a second player client) - it's not recommended because the player instances will both use the same set of files, but I don't think it will be a big issue for just displaying the CT.

Edit: just tried it and it works. Generates an error on exit that it can't save some of the player cache stuff, but since you're not actually using it for a player, it shouldn't be a problem.

May 14th, 2018, 04:45
I think you can do it (a second player client) - it's not recommended because the player instances will both use the same set of files, but I don't think it will be a big issue for just displaying the CT.
It is not recommended at all - you will have two local instances trying to update and access the same cache files - it will more than likely lead to cache corruption at best (data issues/strange functionality/errors), crashes at worst. Don't do this.

May 14th, 2018, 17:07
Comments in the Unity (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22089-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-engine&p=389644&viewfull=1#post389644)thread go me think of a work around type solution.

If you have your VTT display, and you computer can push three monitors, then you can get what you want. Here's how;
- FG host on your regular DM screen/monitor
- Start your second instance of FG using localhost, have monitors 2 & 3 configured to extend desktop with #3 being to the right of #2 in the display configuration. Then just stretch the second instance of FG across monitors 2 & 3. if you size the map and CT windows appropriately, then the big screen will have the map on it like you want, and the other screen will have the CT on it.

You will have to make sure you get screen resolutions for displays 2 & 3 correct/matching.

May 15th, 2018, 01:34
Thank you everyone, for your suggestions. Especially you Trenloe, for letting me know what NOT to do. :)
I might try the three monitor solution, suggested by Lord E, but I only have one micro HDMI port on my laptop. I'll have to see if I can make it work with a usb to hdmi connection...
Then again, maybe it's not worth the trouble. After all, the cables would cost at least another $20. Doesn't make sense to spend that money when I can get a monthly license for a few dollars. I'll let you guys know what I can do.
Maybe another member of my group would not mind buying a license too...