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View Full Version : LFP - Friday 9pm PST Long Term Homebrew Campaign

Andrew Bradford
May 13th, 2018, 00:20

Hello there! I currently run 3 DnD 5e campaign groups a week and am looking to add or swap people into the existing ongoing Friday campaign which currently is in session 3 and we had a player take leave due to work scheduling conflicts so we are looking to fill the missing gap with 1-2 players.

We are welcoming any players of any experience ranges from the newbie to the veteran to join these campaigns so long as the goal of fun can be met :).


This campaign will be run alongside the series of other weekly groups I run within the same world. A long lasting campaign of weekly play with a constantly evolving story and cast of characters should be expected.

Time will play as a large factor in this campaign world as actions made by the different players and NPCs throughout the campaign world impact the over arching story development.

As the DM of this homebrew campaign, I only wish to see the GROUP having fun. I am fine with players having fun and doing what they want with the sandbox in front of them, so long as they respect the other players fun as well as respect the world and attempt to see it as a living breathing thing. If a player does not want to dive into the story and be involved in the lore that is fine by me and I have no issues with it so long as a mutual respect and understanding can be made and you can at least show dedication to the group by being invested into your character.

Roleplaying v.s. Acting

When playing, express yourself and your character however you like. If you like to talk in character and act out your characters actions, thats great you are free to do so. If you are shy and wish to mostly spectate and provide your characters actions in a third person way, that's great and you are free to do so. Either way works and neither is better than the other, they are just different ways of playing.

The World

The campaigns I run all exist in the homebrew world I and others have built known as Opes'Terra, a constantly changing world of fantasy land esq adventures.

The campaign will be very open sandbox, in that story arcs and plot lines will occur via the decisions and actions you make during the campaign.

Homebrew Rules

Ability Scores

3d6 x6 (reroll 1s) then distribute to the stats of your choice

DM Rulings

Rules can and sometimes will be discarded or altered in favor of storytelling and or fun, though this is not an extremely common occurrence, players who wish to play by the book should find a different group.

Magic Items

The Identify spell as well as the PHB rulings of identifying magic items are removed from the game in favor of using the Arcana skill and high level npcs/pcs to identify magic items and their properties.

Alternate Resurrection

Alternate Resurrection rules are in place in favor of making character death more meaningful and difficult to return from. (In short, there is a DC to beat when attempting to return a character that has died. The DC of the check is determined by the active members helping with the task.

Contact Information

If you are interested in joining, please add me via discord with the tag below and we can discuss more to see if the group would make a good fit. :)

Discord: MOARCOOKIEZ#3023

May 13th, 2018, 01:42
Sent a friend request from Skillkoil

May 26th, 2018, 17:31
Hi Andrew,

Tried to add you on Discord but so far didn't work.

Otherwise please try to add me: Aeltje#8318

May 26th, 2018, 18:48
Just sent you a friend request, hopefully I'll be accepted to join you guys :)