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May 2nd, 2018, 12:57
So I came across an interesting bug and I wondered if anyone else noticed this:

I have a campaign loaded (Starfinder), tried to import a character, and then I can't input into the chat window anymore. Has anyone seen this or know why?

I'm using Wineskin from a Mac and I'm wondering if I should just use Steam.


Thanks in advance.

May 2nd, 2018, 13:18
So I came across an interesting bug and I wondered if anyone else noticed this:

I have a campaign loaded (Starfinder), tried to import a character, and then I can't input into the chat window anymore. Has anyone seen this or know why?

I'm using Wineskin from a Mac and I'm wondering if I should just use Steam.


Thanks in advance.

Im am not sure about the Wineskin and Steam (Hopefully some on else can answer).
I was able to use both methods of importing Characters.

JPG 3 show Option 1 - You can open the PC Selection and the "Down Arrow will open the Dir window to select the file.
JPG 1-2 Show Option 2 (Chat window import) I typed /importchar and the Dir window open, I selected Crad, and he was imported into the campaign.

May 3rd, 2018, 01:51
Thanks. It's nice to know those routes towards importing. I didn't have any problem with importing the character itself, unfortunately. For whatever reason, once the character was imported, the Chat Window would not accept any commands, which ironically prevented me from saving. Hopefully, someone can give guidance on why this may be going on and whether I should just use Steam.

May 3rd, 2018, 01:53
Thanks. It's nice to know those routes towards importing. I didn't have any problem with importing the character itself, unfortunately. For whatever reason, once the character was imported, the Chat Window would not accept any commands, which ironically prevented me from saving. Hopefully, someone can give guidance on why this may be going on and whether I should just use Steam.

I would try the first option and see if that way works better

May 4th, 2018, 00:16
For whatever reason, once the character was imported, the Chat Window would not accept any commands, which ironically prevented me from saving.
You don't need to access the chat window for FG to save - it auto saves every 5 minutes, and when you exit FG - as long as you exit properly. On a Mac don't just close the window, use the right-click menu on the desktop to exit. Using the Mac close window button doesn't cleanly exit FG and the data is not saved.

But, yes, no being able to use chat can be a problem. Are you running the FG window maximised? If so, try it not maximised, but size the window close to the full size you want. There have been various display/functionality issues reported with FG on Mac when maximised.

May 4th, 2018, 14:46
I think I will have to Command-Q out each time. When I realized instead of maximized it solved the problem, thanks!

You don't need to access the chat window for FG to save - it auto saves every 5 minutes, and when you exit FG - as long as you exit properly. On a Mac don't just close the window, use the right-click menu on the desktop to exit. Using the Mac close window button doesn't cleanly exit FG and the data is not saved.

But, yes, no being able to use chat can be a problem. Are you running the FG window maximised? If so, try it not maximised, but size the window close to the full size you want. There have been various display/functionality issues reported with FG on Mac when maximised.