View Full Version : Harry Potter game in Finnish/Swedish

April 28th, 2006, 17:01
I'm planning on starting a Potter game that would be played using Finnish or Swedish (depending on what language players I get).

Hopefully the players don't have major time problems (usually my campains eventually die out because my friends can't get their calendars to match). Also, it would be best if all the players were in (approx.) the same timezone, EET (that is GMT+2).

The game will probably be a split-group game, with some "good" and some "bad" players. We'll start on first grade.

I'm Finnish-speaking myself, but am able to write Swedish also (talking is a different thing, there you can't use a dictionary :)) And because of language study purposes, I would actually rather play in Swedish. However, the players might need some patience with my grammar mistakes etc. I've read the Potter books in Swedish however, so I know the terms better in Swedish than in Finnish.

Preferable playing time: evenings on weekdays. Also, some might be interested to hear about my GM experience... which is about 3-4 years. The system used might be something I make up, or maybe something close to Ars Magica or Rolemaster or Gurps ... haven't decided yet. That's not so important to me, and I hope the players aren't so much into rules either.

If you're interested, please send a private message, because I don't know how often I remember to check replies to this one. Replies can of course be sent in one of the mentioned languages - this is in English because I didn't want to write it twice.

April 30th, 2006, 01:18
With the difficulties I have found simply getting an English Game going in my time zone with any ruleset, I'm curious about your success. I wish you luck with your requirements and hope you find people

If you succeed would you mind giving a shout back to this thread. I'm curious.

Good Luck!


May 1st, 2006, 15:30
Well, I have 3 players already, which I know IRL, so if I don't find any more, that's fine too. But I thought, why not put a message here too and maybe get one or two more...

May 6th, 2006, 09:39
Well, I am quite interested. Especially if you'd go with the ArsMagica alternative. Have had some thoughts there in the past as a GM...