View Full Version : Attacker name in chat window

April 29th, 2018, 21:47
Have not been able to dig up anything about this so hopefully not a dumb Q:

When using targeted attacks the attacker name is not appearing for players - just "Attack [#] -> [at Bob] [HIT]" (same for damage, gives the string and the target's name, but not who did it).

When the PC attacks/damages the NPCs name is in the listing - and it's also there if the GM chats "in character" using the NPC.

Is this by design? Controllable? Just seems like it would help keep things straight so that players could see who attacked them so not sure what I'm missing.

April 29th, 2018, 22:05
If you have the option 'Chat: Show GM rolls' set to off then the players won't see who is attacking them - only that they have been attacked. If you want the players to see who is attacking them then switch that option on. Of course this may give the players more information than you want.

To test the various options out start a second instance of FG and join your own game using 'localhost' instead of the alias or IP address and you'll get both the DM view and players view so you can see more clearly what the various options do.

April 29th, 2018, 22:35
Ya, I'm actually running a second notebook to see the player view.

Off shows
Attack [#] -> [at Bob][HIT]

On shows
Bandit: [ATTACK(R)] Light Crossbow 17+3 20
Attack [20] -> [at Bob][HIT]

Which of course means the tweak I was hoping for is:
Bandit: [ATTACK[(R)} Light Crossbow
Attack [20] -> [at Bob][HIT]

So it's the results and the who attacked, but without giving away the underlying rolls/bonuses.

Thanks for the quick answer - I'll bounce between them and see which works better for the players.

April 29th, 2018, 22:55
There is also the show results to client option which if set to friendly will show only the results of players interactions with allies such as healing.

April 30th, 2018, 01:15
Thanks for the quick answer - I'll bounce between them and see which works better for the players.

By this I'm assuming you are the DM. You should consider what works best for the type and style of game you are trying to deliver.