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View Full Version : D&D Miniatures scale base tokens

April 28th, 2006, 02:48
Hello. I'm new here so I'm very sorry if something like this has been posted already. My DM and I were looking for some basic tokens but we weren't really finding any with the scale we were looking for. Large tokens were too big compared to medium, and smalls were too small.

We wanted something like the D&D miniatures scale that worked well on a 1 inch square grid. I took a little time to make some black circular tokens that used the same size ratios as the bases on the minis. I had to guess on the base size of Gargantuan and Colossal sized creatures, but I think they turned out alright.

The tokens are just plain black circles so its easy to paste something on top of them to create what looks more like a scaled miniature and still be able to place them easily on the grid.


April 28th, 2006, 06:35
My goodness! My man, hop over to the FUM site, and look under downloads. I made a whole bunch of generic tokens a while back, all the way from tiny to collosal.

Hope that helps.


April 28th, 2006, 06:39
My goodness! My man, hop over to the FUM site, and look under downloads. I made a whole bunch of generic tokens a while back, all the way from tiny to collosal.

Hope that helps.


And just in case you aren't sure what the heck FUM is... It's the Four Ugly Monsters website, and has a lot of content specific to Fantasy Grounds.

You can find the tokens that Kalmarjan is refering too here:


Hope this helps :D

BTW... Welcome to the boards Phiz!

April 28th, 2006, 14:48
If you want to make your own tokens you can use a program like Token Tool (https://rptools.net/doku.php?id=tokentool:intro). It's rather simple program, to make the sizes larger/smaller you may have to edit them in another program (I use Gimp, but there's a bunch out there).

If you want fancy ones, check out that FUM site the others mentioned. My group has some customized tokens from'em. Look here (https://www.dundjinni.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=6397&PN=2&TPN=7), the second post on that page has some examples of custom tokens dev makes.

April 28th, 2006, 15:54
And just in case you aren't sure what the heck FUM is... It's the Four Ugly Monsters website, and has a lot of content specific to Fantasy Grounds.

You can find the tokens that Kalmarjan is refering too here:


Hope this helps :D

BTW... Welcome to the boards Phiz!

OK, what am I missing here? Every time I goto the FUM site and click on the picture I want to download, it takes me to the FUM forum and I don't see any other links for the download.

April 28th, 2006, 15:57
You need to be a registered member of the forum. It is a quick process. Once you log in, you will be able to download the stuff. Great tools.

April 28th, 2006, 18:44
If you want to make your own tokens you can use a program like Token Tool (https://rptools.net/doku.php?id=tokentool:intro). It's rather simple program, to make the sizes larger/smaller you may have to edit them in another program (I use Gimp, but there's a bunch out there).

Well what I was actually looking for is a set of tokens that had the right scale for the 1 inch grids that D&D uses for battle maps. I checked out Kalmarjan's generic tokens and besides just being very nice looking it was the kind of thing I was looking for. Unfortunately we found that the scale wasn't what we were hoping for. Using the Medium token to create the 1 inch grid the Large token was taking up almost 3x3 squares on the grid (it should be 2x2.)

What we wanted was some tokens that followed the map scale that D&D uses, particularly with the D&D Miniatures game.
Medium and smaller - 1x1 squares
Large - 2x2 squares
Huge - 3x3 squares
Gargantuan - 4x4 squares
Colossal - 6x6 squares

We have two D&D newbies in the group so we wanted our tokens to really illustrate size well so that they would have the easiest possible time grasping the concepts of size and reach.

Anyway, I just made some circles in GIMP and scaled them to fit the grid properly. The circle sizes should be the same scale as the bases used on the D&D minis. Kalmarjan and the FUM guys already did nice artwork so I just made mine plain though I think I'm definitely going to check out that Token Tool. Consequently if you take one of Dev's tokens and paste the circles under them it looks just like a little mini with a base. :D

April 28th, 2006, 20:11
If you already have the scale down, you should check out the WOTC site. They have the artwork from most of the books posted for free access. This includes all of the MM and MM2 illustrations. No need to use plain circles. Personally, I use a ratio of 50 pixel diameter for mediums, 40 for small, 30 for tiny, 90 for large.

April 28th, 2006, 21:50

The scale for the tokens is 1 inch = 50 px.

Just so you are aware.


April 28th, 2006, 23:44
if you didn't know you can also scale the tokens in FG, as long as they are all relative to each other, place them then right click on any token for the lock/unlock scale. when they are unlocked zoom in and out on the map til the tokens are the size you need them, then lock the scale. All future tokens placed will immediatley be set to the same scale.