View Full Version : Tokens work better in modules?

April 29th, 2018, 06:43
After the FG stream with Devin's tokens I decided to explore using the topdown tokens of his. My first test was using the freebies he offered.

I added them to by datadir/tokens/host/* directory and immediately noticed about 30-40% of the time FG would "Crash". Seemed to be complaining about memory.

So, got me wondering if I put them in a module would it help with this issue? Or is this not going to go away even doing that? Honestly I don't have a huge number of tokens in my tokens/host/* directory so I was surprised this happened.

I have been pushing 65% utilization on my RAM lately so going to add another 16 to give me a bit more breathing room but I'm wondering if this is a 32bit and/or location/method issue.

April 29th, 2018, 06:54
Where have you been!
FG is a 32bit app and you will need to stay under 3.5gb of mem usage for FG - less is better.
Tokens in modules are more memory friendly.

Moon Wizard
April 29th, 2018, 06:56
The tokens will take up memory whether they are loaded automatically from the "tokens" folder, or whether they are loaded as a module. The advantage of having them in modules is that you can only load those modules that you need for the campaign.

You should check how many and what the resolution of the tokens you are trying to load are. Those factors have a significant impact on how much memory they use.

I have 1800 files in my tokens/host/ directory, but most of the tokens are only 50x50 or 60x60 resolution.


April 29th, 2018, 06:56
Where have you been!
FG is a 32bit app and you will need to stay under 3.5gb of mem usage for FG - less is better.
Tokens in modules are more memory friendly.

Heh, yeah I figured it was related to the 32bit jazz tho... as I mentioned I have been bouncing pretty high on memory utilization due to my day job apps.

I'll try putting them into modules grouping them up.

Yet another reason to moan for a 64bit version ;)

April 29th, 2018, 07:54
The tokens will take up memory whether they are loaded automatically from the "tokens" folder, or whether they are loaded as a module. The advantage of having them in modules is that you can only load those modules that you need for the campaign.

You should check how many and what the resolution of the tokens you are trying to load are. Those factors have a significant impact on how much memory they use.

I have 1800 files in my tokens/host/ directory, but most of the tokens are only 50x50 or 60x60 resolution.


Wow, checking the Devin freebies I got are 400x400ish to 200x200ish at 1000ish files of that type.

Thanks for the pointers. I'll see how they look shrunk a bit.

April 29th, 2018, 09:21
Wow, checking the Devin freebies I got are 400x400ish to 200x200ish at 1000ish files of that type.

Thanks for the pointers. I'll see how they look shrunk a bit.
Yes, artists can't stand to see their beautiful work pixelated *G*

April 29th, 2018, 11:13
more to the point that most tokens/assets are still using the standard set during the Dundjinni days and before. roll20 began with only their tokens hotlinked form their forums and forum members wbsites. that program used compression to take the 400/200 pixel images so you could zoom in and keep great detail down to the deepest zoom level. so most things still work best that way since roll20 sells tons of assets on their marketplace and that is the relative size they want also. not to mention that 300dpi for print means an image that is 400*400 for a single grid square makes for less pixelation and degradation of quality when put together to print "tiles" or "maps".

granted you cant use FG to just drag and drop, or place assets on a blank canvas to create a map,, most other programs have that so the standard still exists.

70 pixel grid standard for roll20
50 pixel grid standard for FG and MapTools

the zoom still needs to exist and making assets that small just means you would have to remake them for print, PDF, eBook, etc so when you get a new asset, it is always best to resize it down for your purpose.

if you need a good program to handle batch resizing of assets, try https://www.irfanview.com

April 29th, 2018, 16:17
Wow, checking the Devin freebies I got are 400x400ish to 200x200ish at 1000ish files of that type.
1000ish files is actually a lot as far as FG goes. And, yes, reduce those file resolutions.

Also, I’d recommend moving them into modules and just opening the modules when you need them. This will also speed up campaign loading, and also /reload speeds - very important when you’re developing!

April 29th, 2018, 18:29
if you need a good program to handle batch resizing of assets, try https://www.irfanview.com

I use a batch process plugin for Gimp

BIMP. Batch Image Manipulation Plugin. (https://registry.gimp.org/node/26259)