View Full Version : LFP oneshot Pathfinder double session for TTGday (28-04-18 14.00 BST, 09.00 EDT)

April 27th, 2018, 13:40
I'm looking for 3 more players for a oneshot, that may be continued at a later time. The game will take place tomorrow at the time in the title. It will be a run through of the first part of RotRL (anniversary edition) The game is planned to run roughly 8 or more hours depending on the group's stamina and will to continue.

I'm currently looking mostly for healers and melee classes, but open to others as well.

I have an unlimited license, so anyone could join

April 28th, 2018, 04:44
I'd be open to playing if there are pre-gens for short notice.

April 28th, 2018, 12:05
Yes I have pregens available. Seems today will be a dud though. Not enough players. I will definitely start a real game soon though, and give people more time to sign up.

Ken L
April 28th, 2018, 20:28
FG games tend to need a wind up of around a week in advance pending system. For quick PUG one-shots, roll20 is more the style but the flake rates are high there.