View Full Version : Random Damage Type Effect

April 26th, 2018, 13:00
Hi there,

Is there a way to randomize the type of an applied damage?

Like imagine a Mace of Elemental Might that applies 1d6 of random elemental damage on a hit.

How could I set that up?

( i have an extention that lets me add effects to items)

Any ideas?


April 26th, 2018, 13:10
Hi Fenrizwolf welcome to the community.

There isn't a way to do a random damage type at the point of rolling the damage. What you would need to do would be to set up damage strings for each possible damage type that might be done, and then randomly select one of the strings manually (just roll a dice into the dice roller).

April 26th, 2018, 13:15
Ok good to know.

Would be awesome to have table capabilities with effects.

Thank you.

December 30th, 2022, 04:28
I think this would be possible with my idea to reference tables in item effects. This was my goal at least.


Have the ability reference a Table in an Item or Spell, similar to Story, Encounters, or Parcel.

For example:
Damage: 2d6 slashing, [Damage Types]
The attack would apply 2d6 slashing, acid damage when rolling a 1 on the Damage Types table.

Another example:
Save: Roll a DC16 [Ability Types] saving throw
The saving throw would be a DC16 when rolling a 2 on the (non-existent) Ability Types table.

December 30th, 2022, 04:35
Just added a more direct idea for this one. I think both are valid, but this one would apply to damage types specifically.


The ability to add "random" as a modifier in place of [damage type], [stat], [ability], [skill], or [condition].

DMGTYPE: random
Would apply a random damage type such as cold to damage.

ADVCHK: random
Would apply advantage to a random Ability such as Dexterity.