View Full Version : Creating Tokens & Character Portraits

April 25th, 2006, 23:48
Hey All,

I've been scanning through the threads and I haven't really found the answer I'm looking for, but if I've missed it please just point me in the right direction.

I'm curious. I own several of Fiery Dragon's cardboard token packs and it would really be great if they could be scanned and somehow incorporated into my FG game. If this is possible, any recommendations on software to convert them to tokens? Most of FD's tokens are square or rectangular in shape and displayed on a white background. I'd like to be able to darken the background color and center the illustrations in a circular token. Some would serve as character/NPC portraits, others as character/NPC/creature tokens.

Any help would be appreciated.


April 26th, 2006, 00:26
Forget it, I found it. Just took a little more searching among the threads.

April 26th, 2006, 15:27
I know you found our answer, but if you're looking for some really nice (and cheap) tokens check out https://www.fouruglymonsters.com
Deviinight made some custom tokens for my group, we're drooling over them:)

May 11th, 2006, 17:59
Hey AFD - I think my google-fu must be weak this morning as I haven't round the link you're referring to that you found for custom token/portrait creation.

Would it be possible to post it for me as I too am in need of it...


May 13th, 2006, 00:27
If this is possible, any recommendations on software to convert them to tokens?

Software to do exactly this was discussed on this thread:
