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View Full Version : parcels not pre configured on HOTDQ

Henrique Oliveira Machado
April 23rd, 2018, 20:17
So, i have been DMing Hoard of the Dragon queen and i noticed the parcels for magic items or different items are not pre configured. The adventure had a Chain Mail +1 and a Spear adamantite, but when i equipped it to my player, it did not gave her any AC bonuses.

Then i noticed the chain Mail + 1 was blank at the Base Armor field and i manually configured and it worked. The spear was the same.

1) Did i miss something?
2) I have to do this manually for every item they find before giving it to them?
3) If yes, why FG chose this path?
4) How do i specify that the piercing damage from the spear comes from an adamantite weapon?

April 23rd, 2018, 20:35
This is a bug which will get corrected in due course. The items are not being correctly configured because the parsing tool we use is needing updated.

For the spear enter the damage as 'piercing, adamantine' in the damage dialog for the weapon.

Henrique Oliveira Machado
April 23rd, 2018, 20:39
This is a bug which will get corrected in due course. The items are not being correctly configured because the parsing tool we use is needing updated.

For the spear enter the damage as 'piercing, adamantine' in the damage dialog for the weapon.

Ok, now i need to look up how to write damage for weapons. lol


EDIT: It seems easy enough. I have to put Adamantine in properties, not damage, it seems.

April 23rd, 2018, 20:47

The weapon should equip as normal and appear in the actions tab. You would just need to edit the damage to include the adamantine bit.