View Full Version : Players constantly crashing, pictures not loading, books crashing games/ not loading.

April 22nd, 2018, 22:16
Okay so I have been playing fantasy grounds for a while now, my players are on the 3rd campaign. I haven't said anything because I figured it would work its self out eventually. Anyway as the title suggest my group crashes when they try and load a book from time to time. When they add a character picture and then they get run time / crashing errors. Whenever I load maps the players can't see them. SEVERAL deadpool errors. ATM people can't open SCA book because they instantly crash.... I mean I would understand if its like 1 person having issues sometimes a computer has issues. However it is literally my entire group constantly crashing, freezing, and not loading.... is there another post about this? Is there a fix? IS THERE GOING TO BE A FIX? like I said 3rd campaign so we are going on a year and a half now?!

April 22nd, 2018, 22:19
This is classic behaviour of there being too much shared to the players.

The FG application is currently 32-bit, so it is limited to about 3.5GB of memory - even if the computer has much more memory. You'll see issues once the memory use of the fantasygrounds.exe process gets above 3 GB.

The player client is not as efficient at handling material as the GM side, so you have to be careful not to over share anything.

- Don't share any GM library modules with players.
- Keep shared images/maps to 2048x2048 pixels or less.
- Don't have lots of shared tokens.
- Don't have lots of images/maps shared - if you no longer need them, unshare them.

April 23rd, 2018, 00:04
You can open your campaign when your players are not connected, go to your image list and click the button that says "All" it will then toggle to "Shared" and you can then go through that list and share all the old stuff you no longer need shared. If your players still have problems after that, have them clear their player cache (from the launch screen), that will force them to re-download from you so make sure you don't have too much shared and that they connect one at a time.

April 23rd, 2018, 09:11
Just to clarify what LE is saying above. Go through the list and unshare old images that are no longer needed (especially maps). Additionally once you have tidied up your campaign then have your players nuke their cache before they rejoin your cleaned up campaign.

April 23rd, 2018, 12:41
Also, for the future, create adventures as modules and open them while the players are involved with the adventure, then close the module when they're done. This will automatically remove anything from that adventure module from the player's cache and keep your campaign "tidied up" as you go.