View Full Version : LFP - Looking for 1 player for 5E Tyranny of Dragons Campaign

April 17th, 2018, 22:59
Time Zone: CST
License Required: You will need a License.
Day of week and time: Saturday (Bi-Weekly) 3:30 PM to 12 or 1 AM.
If new game, planned start date: Saturday the 21st of April
Term: Long Term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40
Number of Players in game & needed: 1
Character starting level & equipment: Level 2
Character restrictions: Will send link to my houserules if accepted.

I am seeking 1 player for a 5E Tyranny of Dragons campaign. The party will be starting at level 2 and we are skipping the intro sequence, which I will be summarizing during the first session.

We are a good group of guys who are pretty easy to get along with and we have only had 2 people in the past 8ish years who did not work out. Please do not respond to this ad if...

-You care about being politically correct. (We don't)
-You are a rules lawyer (I use some houserules and make rulings as I see fit at times)
-You are offended by profanity. (We use it at times)
-You expect your DM to cater to your every whim (I don't)

Outside of that, most people enjoy how I run my games and I try to provide a good atmosphere, usually leaning toward more serious RP with a bit of silly **** thrown in every so often for good measure. I use common sense and as much fairness as possible when making judgement calls. If this sounds good to you, send me a message or reply to the ad. Thanks.

April 18th, 2018, 15:47
Wow...you actually play 8 hour sessions? Maybe this is more commonplace than I realize, but I can barely hit 3 hours (4 if the action is really exciting) without needing some kind of "short or long rest". :)

April 18th, 2018, 17:45
Yeah. Been lucky to have friends who can do the long sessions all these years. The hours fly by so fast, I never understood how people can get anything done in 3-4 hour sessions but I realize not everyone has the time. I find there is usually one of two factors that need to be present... lol.
1. Have a cool wife.
2. Be single.

April 18th, 2018, 17:51
Yeah. Been lucky to have friends who can do the long sessions all these years. The hours fly by so fast, I never understood how people can get anything done in 3-4 hour sessions but I realize not everyone has the time. I find there is usually one of two factors that need to be present... lol.
1. Have a cool wife.
2. Be single.

Yep, I'm sure those are necessary items to make this a regular thing. When you have a full family this becomes something one can't easily do unless it is scheduled as a retreat. Definitely not something that can be done on a bi-weekly basis.

Last summer I did a 3-day weekend local table top game (I was the DM) using Tomb of Horrors. We did the long hours but we still had to take breaks. I really love VTT play, but it never gets immersive enough for me to keep my focus for much longer than 4 hours.

I was considering applying until I saw the play length. Hope you find a compatible player.

April 18th, 2018, 17:59
Well, 2 of my players are here at my house with their laptops in person and then my brother plays from another state over discord. So that helps that not everyone is online. But yeah, I understand it's not doable for everyone. Thanks for the interest though. Good luck with finding a group that works for you.