View Full Version : First Time DM, New to 5e, not technically proficient with FG yet

April 16th, 2018, 17:20
Hey guys,
I'm just trying to gauge a level of interest here. I bought the ultimate license along with all the 5e content available not too long ago. I recently tried to play with some friends who I used to share a table with, and I chose the Lost Mines of Phandelver module to learn the ropes.

*MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE LOST MINES OF PHANDELVER TO FOLLOW* So we started using FG, used video chat, and initially, things seemed to go okay. In our 2nd session, one of my players charmed Klarg, the bugbear in the cave, and then successfully rolled a persuasion check to get him to change alignment and allegiance after the charm had worn off. We only made it through about 3 sessions, as the same player and I got frustrated with one another, as he continued to do crazy things.

I'm still pretty new to DMing, FG, and to 5e as a whole, (I learned to play and did some DM sessions on house rules of 3.5) My players weren't fans of me not allowing them to deviate from the module in big ways, they weren't familiar with FG in the slightest, and I was a bad DM. I kind of lost my temper with the one who kept doing things that would break the module or derail the overall story. Another friend who was not playing but had been my confidant, approached me and asked if I would mind him taking over my time slot, (We play other sessions together, some of us live in different countries/time zones) and in my frustration, I told him to go for it. I had no interest in DMing if it was going to constantly be a stressful nightmare, because my one of my PC's was going to try to persuade everything under the sun with his 20 Charisma Sorcerer, fully knowing I'm running a "scripted" game.

This weekend, I DM'ed some oneshots on paper with some drinking buddies from work, we goofed around, no over all story, and it was great. We had a good time, we had some laughs, and nobody left mad. And it got me thinking. So, I was wondering if any players were interested in running some modules and maybe a homemade campaign at some point, people who are familiar with FG or invested in it, who wouldn't mind helping a new DM learn FG and maybe some patience/improv?

Thanks for reading - Reviled

April 16th, 2018, 17:47
Sorry that you haven't had a great experience in your first efforts to GM. It's good that you have reached out to get some more experience under your belt.


Don't beat yourself up over it. Some players just won't be right for your GMing style. Sure, try and get a bit more experienced and consider what the players enjoy, but don't force yourself to run games that you don't enjoy. From what you've said, I don't think I'd enjoy how the players played in your game. Especially as they knew you're pretty new to GMing and still tried to derail your game.

Everyone has a different game type that they're looking for. If you players don't match yours and you're not enjoying it - then either reorganize the group (manage out the problem player/s), try to resolve issues in the group (and sometimes that just won't be possible) or look for a new group altogther. It can take you a while to find the right group mix for enjoyable, long-longing games.

The advantage is that you've come to a community that enables you to find the right group for you. You're not limited to the people you can get face-to-face around a table. You've got the whole world to search! :)

April 16th, 2018, 18:45
I appreciate the advice. It's just frustrating trying to learn so much at once, haha. My friends aren't bad players, in fact, I usually enjoy watching my "problem player"'s approach to things when I'm just a PC, but I just don't think they understand the complexities of DMing on a VTT. Mechanically, there is a lot to learn, and I work for an IT company, so my first inclination when I get home is NOT to get on a computer and research another program,lol. In addition, trying to build a coherent narrative out of shenanigans in a module is hard

April 16th, 2018, 19:20
My friends aren't bad players, in fact, I usually enjoy watching my "problem player"'s approach to things when I'm just a PC
I didn't say they were bad players. Just that they don't gel well with, from what you said, the style of your GMing. What people want from RPG games can be completely different - as what we want and enjoy as a player can be completely different to what we enjoy and look for as a GM.

Anyway, hope you work through your learning curve and enjoy your gaming, whoever you play with. :)

April 16th, 2018, 19:26
I apologize, I wasn't trying to say you were insinuating they were bad, I just wanted to clarify for my own reasons that they weren't nightmare PCs

April 16th, 2018, 19:49
I would be interested in a "new player friendly" game. I have not yet played a game on FG, but I will be starting to DM a family group later this month. I would love to join with another group as a player and learn FG together.

April 16th, 2018, 23:14
Hey Reviledseraphim

Ive done a less than stellar job on many an occasion as GM.
And my whole first year was probably pretty sub standard!
I also had a player that I was butting heads with for quite a few sessions... driving me mad... and he is still part of the group more than 5 years later and its all good.

I think now that you have identified what the big challenges were you will probably find things a lot easier going and you will keep learning more.

Be very clear up front that you are newish to this and it would help you if for the first handful of sessions we dont get too adventurous while you ease into things might help. And the other one is - take a deep breath, relax and say "yes" when the player wants to try something. If you are not sure what should happen on the next roll maybe get some import from the player or group - they rolled high - ask them what happens - they roll low - ask them how they mess up. This will also help you see the kinda story they are looking for.

Always try to enjoy it and have fun. If you are not having fun for several sessions then try a different approach or try the other side of the table. You should be having fun too.

April 17th, 2018, 00:55
Ok, maybe if I find some others we can throw something together. If nothing else, we can hop on a discord channel, throw a module on, and just click through and tinker with everything

April 17th, 2018, 00:55
Hey, I'd be interested in playing! I have some prior experience with fantasy grounds, though it has been a while since I last gamed with it. I have a good bit of D&D experience, but the last group I was apart of fell apart some months ago, and I've been having trouble finding a new one. I'm definitely patient, and familiar enough with the 5e rule set to be able to offer help to an inexperienced DM here and there. Not a rule-lawyer, meta-gamer (on purpose anyway, though I stop when I catch myself doing it or have it pointed out to me), or deliberately ridiculous player. Definitely able to improvise and just go with the flow of a game, whether it's combat or role-play heavy. Hope to be able to be apart of your new group and get a fun game going!

-Mitchell Mueller

April 17th, 2018, 00:56
An excellent recommendation, Thank you

April 17th, 2018, 02:38
I just want to say that I have had a couple of bad players over the years, and sometimes you just need to reboot. I also find it annoying when players seem to go out of their way to derail an adventure. I mean, sometimes things go off in surprising directions, but other times it feels forced and obnoxious.

Regarding the advice to say yes to your players, I agree with that most of the time, but... I once had a player ask for a fairly unconventional mount early in the adventure, and he turned out to be this super-optimizer with character builds, which, combined with his crazy mount, really unbalanced the game. I found myself playing "against" the party and ultimately ended the game feeling very frustrated.

On the other hand, I have also had some really great players, so keep trying!

April 17th, 2018, 03:08
Hey Reviled. As most people have said, you aren't a bad GM nor are your players bad. As someone also learning fantasy ground with aspirations of taking his DMing skills from pen and paper to fantasy ground, I understand the difficulties associated with your situation. If you want some help, or to have someone willing to run through some of the modules/homebrew stuff with you- and potentially might ask for the same favor later on- feel free to give me a yell. I'd be happy to assist someone in a similar boat to myself.

April 17th, 2018, 03:38
One thing I would recommend, if players attempt to do certain things against the script, is to make the DC impossible (40+). They can charm and persuade all they want but they won't ever be able to change their mind. This is a typical method used when running scripted campaigns as they don't often allow for a lot of flexibility.

In your example, he casts charm person on the bugbear, it lasts an hour and regards him as a friendly acquaintance for the duration, but not necessarily his allies. Think of it like you see your old work buddy hanging around a bunch of murderers and rapists. Even though you might know him, the situation calls for you to be MUCH more scrupulous, hence practically immune to persuasion. The charmed condition is actually nowhere near as good as you might think,

"A charmed creature can’t Attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful Abilities or magical effects.
The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with the creature."

This means that your bugbear can still attack his allies and generally be a ****. Since his charm person spell falls off if your allies attack him, just have him attack them and they will HAVE to retaliate or just be pin cushions.

Another good example of being immune to persuasion is if some random guy broke into your house, murdered your entire family, and then tries to persuade you that they were all in an evil cult attempting to destroy the world. You'd probably think this guy was an idiot and kill him yourself. I doubt there is anything anyone could say in that situation that would yield a non-lethal response.

Those SPECIFIC cases aside, as the DM you are completely free to tell a player that they are not allowed to do something at your table. If they don't like it, then they are free to leave and find another table. If they decide they wanna destroy the entire village because they are evil, just let them know that you aren't running an evil campaign and that they are restricted to good or neutral actions (can still be mean just not violent) to friendly NPCs. (side note, evil campaigns almost NEVER last). Don't even waste any time arguing with them, be polite, but be firm with them.

I'm very familiar with D&D 5E and pretty familiar with fantasy grounds. If you'd like, I'd be happy to run in your LMoP campaign as a player and help you out! It might be best also if you advertise the campaign for new/newer players. They tend to be a lot more agreeable and accepting of mistakes.

April 17th, 2018, 14:39
When you guys decide on schedule, I hope to be able to join. As stated before, I have not yet played a game in FG. I was supposed to be in a game for FGCon, but some RL happened and I wasn't able to make it. LMoP would be a great place to start and learn the system.

April 17th, 2018, 17:47
Alright, It looks like I have about 6 people who have expressed interest so far. I'm not looking for a more permanent group at the moment, just so you all are aware, though I am open to it if things go well and we all mesh. I'll be in touch with anyone who has expressed interest here soon!

April 17th, 2018, 19:54
sounds good.

April 17th, 2018, 20:04
I too would be interested (depending on the day of the week and time). I’ve played AD&D in the 80s but am totally new to FG and discord. Having trouble getting in a “starter” group. Let me know.


April 17th, 2018, 21:07
I'm new to FG, and 5e, but not D&D. Been a long time since I've played but if someone doesn't work out I'm down to play.

April 18th, 2018, 19:42
Hey all, I've been trying to add everyone who has expressed interest to a group, but I can't figure it out. I may need to turn invite only off. I'm going to change the group permissions, and if you are interested, come join me! The group is called "Food for Fledglings"

April 18th, 2018, 20:09
i found the group and joined.

April 19th, 2018, 02:06
I did the same.

April 19th, 2018, 02:52
I joined as well.

April 19th, 2018, 03:56
This is Faven's husband. I'm game as well. I'm a pretty easy going player and can go at your speed.

April 19th, 2018, 06:17
I was able to join as well.