View Full Version : Customizing Modules

April 12th, 2018, 12:54
I just purchased one of your 5E modules. I would like to modify a couple of the maps within the module in order to make it fit with my ongoing game. However the module does not appear in the list of campaigns like my user created campaign does. As such I cannot simply go to an images folder and then modify that map to my liking. Is there a way to do this so that it can be added into my ongoing campaign? Specifically I wish to turn a couple maps on their sides and then add some structures with pushpins that will link to my own maps for taverns, etc. The pushpin part is easy but flipping the map and adding a PNG requires that I modify the map included in the module.

April 12th, 2018, 13:35
I just purchased one of your 5E modules. I would like to modify a couple of the maps within the module in order to make it fit with my ongoing game. However the module does not appear in the list of campaigns like my user created campaign does. As such I cannot simply go to an images folder and then modify that map to my liking. Is there a way to do this so that it can be added into my ongoing campaign? Specifically I wish to turn a couple maps on their sides and then add some structures with pushpins that will link to my own maps for taverns, etc. The pushpin part is easy but flipping the map and adding a PNG requires that I modify the map included in the module.

All newer modules prevent direct access to the images.

April 12th, 2018, 13:39
Ye olde method.

make FG as big as you can, take screenshots of the map with Prnt Scrn button that will be saved in your FG folder, from the main FG launcher screen.

Then merge those screenshots together so you have the full map in whatever dimensions you want it at for zooming. add with GiMP or Photoshop any new elements you wish and turn the maps to orient int he directions you want them. From what I hear not all maps have North on top, so this is also a way to fix that.

Then you can just place your newly created map into the campaign images folder or maps, if you have one, and bring your map in from there, and drag the ecnounters and such from the module into your map and it is effectively done.

April 12th, 2018, 14:00
Alternately find out the author of the map and buy a digital version of it.