View Full Version : LFP - 5E D&D Monday Eves CST

April 12th, 2018, 03:08
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5th edition D&D
Time Zone: CST
Day of week and times: Mondays, 9:30 pm, for about 2-3 hours.
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: Varies; probably overall its 50/50, but there were periods of intense roleplaying, alternating with periods of intense combat. Currently probably weighted 25% roleplahing 75% combat, but the combat is story-driven, and depending on what decisions the PCs make, could shift the other way.
Number of Players in game & needed: 3 currently, need 1-3 more.
Character starting level & equipment: currently everyone is 8th level; equipment to be determined based on current situation when characters enter the game.

Character restrictions: There are significant character restrictions on race based on the region when you enter the game. Much of the world is xenophobix and have been isolationist for a long time. The party has been drifting from region to region on their overarching quest, allowing them to slowly intermix with other races. The original party started in human dominated lands, who only allowed half breeds and haflings, so the races available at the time had been humans, half elves, half orcs, and halflings.
Since then, they had moved into elven territory for a bit, and for awhile two elven characters had joined the party (and for RL reasons had to leave again). Now, the characters are in dwarven territory, and as such, the races that will be allowed are Dwarves, goliaths, and rock gnomes; or possibly human, half elf, or half orc if from a barbarian tribe (note, that doesn’t mean you have to actually be the barbarian class, just that you come from a barbarian tribe; some other classes can be justified without being berserkers).
I know, its restrictive, but the game world is very isolationist based on racial territories. The player group is the first in centuries to really break that isolation.

Details of your scenario: The xenophobic and isolationist human Empire is crumbling, Their nearly godlike emperor is dead, and without an heir. Civil War wracks the land, and monstrosities from the forbidden northern lands are now invading, taking advantage of the Empire’s distraction and weakness.
Meanwhile, a star falling from the heavens smashed into the mountains, and from it some monstrous creature of chaos came crawling out, calling to, warping, corrupting nearby goblins into mutant abominations, as it crawls across the countryside looking for… something.
In this midst, the party strives to save not the empire, but just maybe, the entire world.

About us, we are a bunch of people mostly with responsibilities, and a laid back group. Between all this, we do take things a bit casually. Some of us are parents, sometimes responsibilities come into play, so we don't always get started precisely on time, sometimes we chit chat for a bit before getting started, etc. If I'm missing more than a certain amount of people, I won't run that evening.

As for myself, I'm fairly easy going, but its important to note, I have a low tolerance for rules lawyers and power gamers. If I mess up, let me know. I don't mind. But I may have a reason for doing what I'm doing. If I state as such, please don't argue with me. I also dislike people trying to squeeze every tiny point of efficiency in an attempt to trivialize encounters.

Finally, while I dont necessarily object to inter party conflicts, i've seen it cause many problems before, so while I wont necessarily stop it, if I perceive someone is acting like a jerk, I'll put a stop to it. I'd rather break verisimilitude than see my game wrecked by someone who doesn't understand the unwritten verbal contract of roleplaying - that we are all here to have fun, so don't **** on someone else's fun in order to have yours. Which brings me to heroes vs villains. I normally prefer people to be more heroic than villainous. I wont necessarily STOP someone from being a villain, but if it breaks that unwritten contract, again, I don't want to see it wreck my campaign.

So, now that I've probably scared some of you off between the character restrictions and my rules here, if you are still interested in playing, please contact me via PM, and tell me why you think you'd make a good addition to our team. Unfortunately, we only have at most 3 slots, and unfortunately there seems to be more players than GMs, which is a real shame, but I'll take as many as I can. If I don't choose you, I'm sorry, it isn't personal, as some people I've chosen havent worked out in the past, but I try my best to select someone based on how much they sound like they will fit with the rest of the party.


April 12th, 2018, 18:02
Hey id Like to Give this game a Shot i Like the Scene you have pushed forward and would love making a Character that i could try to Fit into your World

April 12th, 2018, 20:13
I would love to join the world sounds awesome and dynamic and i would love to leave my impression on it

April 13th, 2018, 01:13
so, after I was on the upswing, I just turned around and got sick again. I'll answer in a couple days, sorry guys.

Bert Blaine
April 15th, 2018, 01:37
I am also interested in playing.

April 15th, 2018, 07:00
This sounds like a great game, and the (sometimes) rp-heavy nature appeals to me a great deal. If you still have an opening, please shoot me a message, and I will make myself available. I have the standard license and most of the books, and have been playing D&D for about 35 years.

I work remotely, so am available an awful lot, and also use Discord.

Hope to hear back, and if there aren't any openings at present, I'd love to be on a waiting list.

Thanks :)

April 16th, 2018, 00:03
Well, I'm finally feeling better, somewhat. Broke down to go see the doctor, and now I can breathe again. Yay! ;)

I'll be getting to the responses sometime in the next few days and get back to you all.


April 16th, 2018, 00:17
Well, I'm finally feeling better, somewhat. Broke down to go see the doctor, and now I can breathe again. Yay! ;)

I'll be getting to the responses sometime in the next few days and get back to you all.


No worries. Feel better man :)

April 17th, 2018, 04:43
Hey, I'd be interested in joining if you still have a spot. I've got a few characters I can use to fit whatever role is needed in the party. I've got a standard license and all the books. Though i'm still abit new to 5E, i'm more use to playing pathfinder.

As for availability, I make my own hours so I can be around at any time.

If you've got room send me a message, if not hope you all have fun.

April 17th, 2018, 17:47
I’m in!!! If you still have room. If not, have a great time.

April 19th, 2018, 13:52
Well, I'm finally feeling better, somewhat. Broke down to go see the doctor, and now I can breathe again. Yay! ;)

I'll be getting to the responses sometime in the next few days and get back to you all.


April 20th, 2018, 16:33
Hey! Hope your feeling better! Any chance there's any room left in the group?
I'm a long time 5e player and FG user

Well, I'm finally feeling better, somewhat. Broke down to go see the doctor, and now I can breathe again. Yay! ;)

I'll be getting to the responses sometime in the next few days and get back to you all.


April 24th, 2018, 02:20
Thanks. Well, I got sick all over again, it came back for round 2, but I finally have it mostly beat, just a bit of congestion, coughing, and a little trouble breathing. The rest of the symptoms are gone *knock on wood*

So, I sent out an invitation out to two people. I sent out clarification requests for one person, whom didn't seem to quite read my post as carefully as I'd like, or possibly we just had crossed wires, so looking for clarifications. A few individuals didn't really provide me with any detail I requested.

So I likely have two slots filled, with a possible third depending on how that third individual answers my questions. Otherwise I may have one slot open.