View Full Version : Image Identification & Read Only Modules

April 11th, 2018, 17:35
I found out that if I turn Image identification ON, I do not have an option to specify non-ID name of images in read only modules. So, if I want to share those images with players they will end up with hundreds of "Unidentified Map/Image" in their Image list, and this is really frustrating to my players, because they need to spend minutes to find something, or I need to re-share image in order to picture pop up again on their screen.

If someone have a tip how to properly use this I will appreciate it.

Moon Wizard
April 11th, 2018, 19:27
Currently, that's a limitation of the overall system, since the records are read only and thus there is no place to store unidentified naming information. It's something that I eventually want to go back and find a more elegant solution to, but it's not on the schedule. So, this is a limit of the current Image Identification feature.

If you created your own module, you could change to a non-read-only module, which is how we try to build all our adventure and map modules now. However, reference modules (rulebooks, etc), are still made as read only to preserve the original content from inadvertantly being modified.


April 12th, 2018, 18:08
Thanks for explanation. It's a unfortunate but we will live with it ��
However, "remembering" additional information is not violation of read-only module state, because this info technically can be stored in differential file in moduledb folder, where right now other data is stored. This is off-course just assumption because I cannot see the source code and see how everything works exactly.

April 12th, 2018, 18:35
Yes, it's technically possible, but as Moon said, it's not currently prioritized to be addressed.

Check the Wishlist, if it's not already there, then add it and if it gets enough votes that might be changed.