View Full Version : Sunday Home Brew Pathfinder Looking for Players

April 11th, 2018, 03:12
LFP: Sunday 1 pm Mt time Walk of Torag
FG License: GM has Ultimate so players need at least Demo
Game System: Pathfinder
Time Zone: GMT
Day of week and time: Sunday
Start date: In Progress
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hours.
Term: As long as it takes to get through the module.
Text or Voice: Discord for voice no video.
Voice software used: Will be using Discord on my server
Role-play & Combat mix: 80/20 but will watch for what the players enjoy and adjust.
Number of Players in game & needed: Will have 2 already and need 2 more.
Character starting level & equipment: Start at 8th level with equipment.
Character restrictions: Must come from players guide and adv players guide.
Details of your scenario:

The players are trying to recover 5 magic stones for the Dwarvin god Torag. This is a home brew game. Our group is very casual and use the rules as guides not scripture, if we come to a point where we need a clarification on rules we will vote as a group and use the changed or modified rule, the players call it GM Magic. We are currently a group of dwarves but you can bring any race you want to play, but be prepared for racial discrimination from the dwarves, they are not very friendly chaps.
As the GM I generate the world and place the characters in scenarios, I do not tell the players what to do or were to go. The NPC high cleric of Lake Town tells the players the next stone is in Ashenport, so the players go. Once there the players can do whatever they wish I generate all the buildings, stuff in them and all the town folk as NPC’s. Talking to the NPC’s and gathering information while on side quests will gain the information the players need in locating the stone and where to go to recover the next stone.
If the player wishes to go to the tower of terror and wait until the dragon leaves his lair to hunt and then go in a rob him, then that’s great but a dragon has a long memory and will be hunting the player and will at some point in the future exact his revenge.
In character creation you will start at 8th level with equipment you choose. Use a purchase system of 20 points and 18’s are allowed. Generate a background so the GM can incorporate that background into the adventure. One trick pony’s will do you no good here, your characters need more than combat skills to survive. I will try to work with you when it comes to your character but if you generate a character that has 3 attacks each attack with 4 effects and feats and it takes you character 20 minutes to perform his or her attack then there will need to be changes to your character. Place great importance in the skills your character has as you will need to use them often.
We really try to role-play as much as possible but the Dwarves are both very aggressive and feel that diplomacy is best served at the end of a hammer not threw conversation. If you survive an encounter with the Dwarves it is considered that you have role-played your *** off. We are currently at 80/20 but would like to move to around 50/50 is at all possible.
Equip your character with any mundane item of your choice; having gear is going to be very important.
No magic items that have names (Hammer of thunder bolts, Staff of the Maji etc.) Masterwork, +1 or +2 to start the same goes for armor and other magic items, I will look at your character on the first game and if you have something to powerful or contrary to the game I will ask you to pick something else.
The way it is set up is there is a dungeon crawl type adventure followed by a Town Type role-playing adventure then the process repeats, Dungeon, town etc. until all the stones are recovered.
The Dwarvin god Torag fought a battle against the titans who wanted to destroy the world. In order to secure the safety of the world Torag surrendered and the titans took Torag’s armor and broke it into 5 pieces and scattered it across the world as stones each with its own color.
An unknown force has entered the land and is trying to gain control of the all its inhabitants. The high clerics of Torag have interpreted this action as the time to reunite the stones of Torag and rebuild his armor and rescue him from the titans.
The first attack came in the north from the bugbears that invaded Lake Town and captured the tower of the high cleric who had the first stone.
The second attack came from the human lands where the Red Wizard sailed to Ashenport with this army and using magic summoned the 4 kings that he then used to invade the Dwarvin mines at the Silver Mountains. Having defeated the 4 kings the players then went to Ashenport to confront the Wizard King, who has the Red Stone, and after a valiant effort the Wizard King escaped with his army and sailed back to the human lands.
The dwarves then set sail on their ship bound for the human lands but were caught in a storm and landed on the Draco Islands were they are now attempting to rescue the humans here that the Draco use as food.