View Full Version : LFP - Deadly Delves - Along Came a Spider (and Prelude to Tomb of Annihilation Group)

April 8th, 2018, 19:29
Here is the plan: We (Myself the DM and two other players) would like to invite 3 others to join us on an opening 1st level adventure next Saturday night 4/14/2018, 7pm Central Time. This will be a chance for a group to form, get to know each other, and become the basis for a future team to play Tomb of Annihilation. I would like to hear from others who are interested in starting 1st level D&D 5e characters in the Sword Coast campaign universe. We will be running the 1 level adventure Deadly Delves - Along Came a Spider - with some Sword Coast lore sprinkled in to tie it in to the Tomb of Annihilation story. This will give everyone a chance to level up to level 2 before starting ToA. From all the videos I've seen of the campaign it can be exceedingly hard at times, so starting it on level 2 will be helpful I think. Also, I'm a new DM, also new to Fantasy Grounds, so bare with me. I'd love to welcome other Newbees, as well as veterans that are willing to have patience with new players. Everyone should have the D&D Players Handbook if possible, but we will help you if not. If you want to join to Mentor the group we can work that in to the story. I'm open to unique character creation within reason. It's mostly Neutral or Good characters now, so I suspect that evil characters (at least openly evil) will not fit well with the party as it stands now.

Please let me know if you are interested in playing. Date and time is pretty firm, and we hope to do a regular Saturday night game. Future nights are negotiable though. For the first one we would like to start next Saturday. Look forward to meeting you guys!

April 8th, 2018, 22:26
Hi Adamaant. I would be interested in such a venture. I am EST but work a swing shift. I have a lot of experience gaming. Not a lot on FG but I am DMing now on FG exclusively with my in-person group and we have played online twice. It went smoothly but I too have a lot to learn. I could be there this 4/14 if you are interested.

Are you guys 18+ (my group is my kids...looking for a more mature game)? And What kind of character would you need? And Lastly, Are you on Discord?

PM me if you are interested for Discord info.

April 9th, 2018, 02:16
Hi there. I would also be interested in joining your group. I am moderately adept at both Fantasy Grounds and 5E; and being on the west coast makes your group's play time ideal for me. Send me a PM with any requirements that may be needed.

As always,


April 9th, 2018, 02:23
We have a healer and a mage so far, so ranger, rogue, fighter, tank would be great. We are all age 30+ players. I have my own Teamspeak server which I was interested in using because I can do sound effects which I have been unable to do on discord. If you guys don't have a problem with that. I'll PM my email to you guys the server info. Look forward to playing with you Saturday! Please post on here what class you plan to play so everyone who's considering playing can see prior to posting. We should need only one more if it all works out.

April 9th, 2018, 02:33
OK here is who we have so far that want's to play and should make a full group (we could possibly squeeze one more, but 5 is probably best)
Dekorume - Character unknown
Vhok - Archer/Ranger?
Libby - Sorceror
Ginny - Cleric
Locastpoint - Character Unknown

April 9th, 2018, 02:42
I'd like to try out something different, something unique. So I'll go fighter, you know the board and sword type. He is 5' tall, stocky with a full beard, carries a shield easily on his right arm with a war-hammer holstered just behind it on his waist. Knowing only Dwarven and Common he is not a linguist, even though he has a penchant for crossbows he is not an archer. Loves drinking, loves carousing, loves making gold by bashing heads and looting ruins. Oh, and he is not a dwarf.

As always,


April 9th, 2018, 04:54
Definitely interested. Willing to play whatever the group needs. looks like a bard or paladin might not be a bad idea?

please feel free to post here or PM me if you have any questions/concerns.



April 9th, 2018, 14:48
I'd like to try out something different, something unique. So I'll go fighter, you know the board and sword type. He is 5' tall, stocky with a full beard, carries a shield easily on his right arm with a war-hammer holstered just behind it on his waist. Knowing only Dwarven and Common he is not a linguist, even though he has a penchant for crossbows he is not an archer. Loves drinking, loves carousing, loves making gold by bashing heads and looting ruins. Oh, and he is not a dwarf.

As always,


Haha, just a short human?

April 9th, 2018, 14:49
Definitely interested. Willing to play whatever the group needs. looks like a bard or paladin might not be a bad idea?

please feel free to post here or PM me if you have any questions/concerns.



OK whyn, we will put you in as the sixth. Partially because usually someone doesn't show up, but we could handle six either way. that means the group is full!!

April 9th, 2018, 14:53
OK here is who we have: A full group! We can go with these six. If anyone doesn't show we have a backup. For the first dungeon delve, the prelude to ToA we should have no problem. Once we hit Chult, the main location of the campaign, things will get dangerous. Be OK with the idea that you could die and have to roll a new character at some point before the end.....(ominous music plays).
Dekorume - Fighter
Vhok - Archer/Ranger?
Libby - Sorceror
Ginny - Cleric
Locastpoint - Character Unknown
Whyn - Bard or Paladin

April 11th, 2018, 16:28
I'll be sending everyone a private message later today with server info. There will be a Teamspeak server alias (use it instead of an ip address), and a Fantasy Grounds alias (four words that are used to log in). I will be logging in 1 hour early on Saturday (6pm CST) to help with character creation. Feel free to log in then if you like.

April 12th, 2018, 03:31
Hi, I'll be playing a dragon born sorceress noble who left her family for a few years to study to become an anthropologist because she didn't want to go into the family business of cattle. Something happens that forces her back home and they help her out and re accept her even though she didn't leave on the best of terms, so her value is family. she is chaotic good.

edit: it will also be my first time playing, so i apologize for any mistakes that i may or may not make.