View Full Version : Is there a way to resize a token on the map?

April 5th, 2018, 19:07
When a player casts an enlarge spell and grows one size, I need to increase the size of their token so it is reflected correctly on the map...is there a simple way to do this? I tried just dragging the edge of the token but it just pulls the entire token. Thanks


April 5th, 2018, 19:29

"To change the individual token scale, hold CTRL while using the mouse wheel to adjust the individual token scale up and down. Hold CTRL and middle click to reset the token scaling back to the default (or right click and select the Reset Individual Token Scale menu option)."

April 5th, 2018, 20:56
You all rock...knew there had to be an easy way. Thank you


April 26th, 2020, 12:57
Sorry to be dim, but I can't seem to find this reset individual token scale menu option anywhere. Could someone help me find it. I'm running FGU version 4 on a pro licence.

April 26th, 2020, 15:56
I hold cntrl + middle mouse button and it returns to normal size. However I am not seeing the option in right click either.

April 26th, 2020, 15:58
However, I am also having trouble with scaling. On a swarm token I was able to significantly increase the size, but on a Large creature when I cntrl + scroll up, the token shrinks. When I cntrl + scroll down, it shrinks more. Is there something I am doing incorrectly here? Why did it work for a swarm, but not an NPC.

I am running the current version of FG Unity on a Pro license.

April 26th, 2020, 17:36
Sorry to be dim, but I can't seem to find this reset individual token scale menu option anywhere. Could someone help me find it. I'm running FGU version 4 on a pro licence.

That menu option isn't available in Unity.

April 26th, 2020, 17:36
I hold cntrl + middle mouse button and it returns to normal size. However I am not seeing the option in right click either.

It's not an option in Unity

April 26th, 2020, 17:37
However, I am also having trouble with scaling. On a swarm token I was able to significantly increase the size, but on a Large creature when I cntrl + scroll up, the token shrinks. When I cntrl + scroll down, it shrinks more. Is there something I am doing incorrectly here? Why did it work for a swarm, but not an NPC.

I am running the current version of FG Unity on a Pro license.

Are you using the Combat enhancer extension? If so, that's the issue.

April 26th, 2020, 17:48
You can always go into the tracker and change the size of the token there and adjust the reach there as well.

June 23rd, 2020, 21:43
However, I am also having trouble with scaling. On a swarm token I was able to significantly increase the size, but on a Large creature when I cntrl + scroll up, the token shrinks. When I cntrl + scroll down, it shrinks more. Is there something I am doing incorrectly here? Why did it work for a swarm, but not an NPC.

I am running the current version of FG Unity on a Pro license.

I see the same problem. There are no menu options to lock or unlock scale, and turning off the Auto token sizing in the options also makes no difference.

Turning off the grid still locks tokens to the default size of the last grid. If I set the grid oversized, I can then add a token that shows up larger, then redo the grid at the smaller size and as long as I don't resize the larger tokens I'm okay.

I think there is bug with CTRL-scroll-wheel resizing.

June 23rd, 2020, 21:54
I see the same problem. There are no menu options to lock or unlock scale, and turning off the Auto token sizing in the options also makes no difference.

Turning off the grid still locks tokens to the default size of the last grid. If I set the grid oversized, I can then add a token that shows up larger, then redo the grid at the smaller size and as long as I don't resize the larger tokens I'm okay.

I think there is bug with CTRL-scroll-wheel resizing.

As mentioned above if you are using the Combat Enhancer extension then that is the issue.

June 24th, 2020, 14:11
As mentioned above if you are using the Combat Enhancer extension then that is the issue.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am not using the combat enhancer extension. For me this shows under the Savage Worlds game system.

June 24th, 2020, 16:09
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am not using the combat enhancer extension. For me this shows under the Savage Worlds game system.

Ah, ok. I believe that there is an issue with that in SW.

August 21st, 2020, 23:26
In post a bug it said check known issues (it wasn't there) and search the forum and post in that thread (which is what I'm doing, even though it's kinda thread necromancy - that's what the sticky said to do).
I am running FGU v4.0.0 Standard (2020-08-20) on Windows 10 Pro. I'm editing a map in an established campaign for Deadlands Noir under the SWADE ruleset. When trying to use the mousewheel+ctrl to scale a vehicle token (to more than one grid, because it is a car, natch) I can only go smaller no matter which way I scroll.
I moved the tokens from the sub-folder of a folder in tokens and pulled them out so they are only one level down. I can see them appropriately on the assets menu. It didn't work with any vehicle token and I eventually just drew it in.
It would be nice, if this is a known bug, that it was added to the list? So that I can check back in on it occasionally.

December 24th, 2020, 23:50
Very nice! I thought for sure this would have been an edge case that you guys didn't think of. Happy to be wrong! Nice work!

January 7th, 2023, 18:23
I have this same problem whether using a key and scroll wheel or just scroll wheel the only thing that happens is the 'image' gets impressively tiny, so tiny infact i have to zoom in on the map to be able to click it and delete (no reset in unity :() I don't have the combat enhancer extension by that name but i have tried using and not using various extensions that might have made a difference and I still have the same problem. Did anyone find a fix?

January 7th, 2023, 20:09
I have this same problem whether using a key and scroll wheel or just scroll wheel the only thing that happens is the 'image' gets impressively tiny, so tiny infact i have to zoom in on the map to be able to click it and delete (no reset in unity :() I don't have the combat enhancer extension by that name but i have tried using and not using various extensions that might have made a difference and I still have the same problem. Did anyone find a fix?
Welcome to the FG forums.

This is a thread from 2 years ago, so things might have changed. Please provide more information:

Which operating system are you using?
Which ruleset are you using?
What extensions are you using?
Have you added the token to the map directly from assets or from an entry in the combat tracker?

January 21st, 2023, 20:24
Awesome. That works very well. Thank you for that tip. I wonder though, is there a way to change the token size for all tokens of an NPC? For example, set a huge sized monster token to be 4 X 4 squares? Or do you have to resize the token every time you drop it on the map?

January 21st, 2023, 20:47
Awesome. That works very well. Thank you for that tip. I wonder though, is there a way to change the token size for all tokens of an NPC? For example, set a huge sized monster token to be 4 X 4 squares? Or do you have to resize the token every time you drop it on the map?

For what ruleset?