View Full Version : LFG - 4-5 players looking for 5e GM for second game. CET 1800+.

April 5th, 2018, 11:36
FG License: Various Full/Ultimate licenses.
Time Zone: BST/CET EU timezone.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: One day a week, we are all available between 1800 and 2230 CET Thurdays to Mondays. We can discuss what suits you.
Term: Long running campaign. Interested in both modules and homebrew campaigns.
Voice: Mandatory, prefer Discord.

Language: English.
Game System Preferred: D&D 5e.
Game System Experience: Very familiar, GMing and playing.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Proficient to expert (effect scripting, creating modules etc).

Now that we got the template out of the way, the story is that we are a group of adults with two 5e games running. One Wednesday OOTA game ~7th level, and my TFtYP game that I'm looking to drop to be a player in the game this post is about instead ^^. There is certainly an opportunity to join the wednesday OOTA game as a player if everything works out.

We're experienced players, that show up (barring emergencies) and pay attention (even when it's not our turn, amazing I know) and work well together. I'd say we lean slightly towards a tactical, problem-solving game with a solid story over a heavy RP game. Story is important, tavern RP less so.
We also prefer a game that mostly relies on at least the core 5e rules as written, so if you are the type of GM that is very loose with the core rules we might not be a match. Of course homebrewing the occasional rule is fine, as well as normal GM fiat like changing whatever creatures you wish etc. As an example the OOTA game runs a modified rest system and a couple of homebrew rules.

If you are interested in joining our group, feel free to ask any questions here or via PM!