View Full Version : Need 2 players for Curse of Strahd - Players left, work related.

April 3rd, 2018, 02:11
*****UPDATE APRIL 21 2018. We have 2 more spots open as of last session. Looking to have 6 to 7 players a week. Current party is stable at 5 pcs, but need 2 more.***** See post #10 for Details at the bottom of the page.

****** UPDATE APRIL 22 2018 - Still need at least 1 more player to join, might pick up 3 players in total. Have 1 new addition so far.******

Looking for 2 more players to join a Curse of Strahd campaign.

I Am currently 30% into the storyline, party is level 5. Have a Druid, Paladin, Barb, Monk, Wizard.

We play every Thursday night, 7pm to 10pm cst. Occasionally play 8pm to 10pm cst on the days i have to work late.

Seeking any class or race in the players handbook, any party weak spots will be buffed with a npc for hire.

If interested, give me a shout here, or a private message.

Also to note, the campaign is being run with a VERY dark, and morbid overtone, going above and beyond the feel of the module. There will be violence against women, children, and civilians. Strahd is extra Cruel, and vampire/demonic hordes are ravaging the country side.

April 3rd, 2018, 02:12
Discord app for voice chat, breakdown is roughly 50/50 combat to roleplay.

April 3rd, 2018, 02:16
i would love to join if you wouldnt mind i can make an designated arcane Caster or rouge pm me if you think it will be alright

April 3rd, 2018, 02:22
alright, 1 down, 1 to go

April 3rd, 2018, 02:24
just a heads up, we are level 5, use discord for 95% of all game communication.

we play every thursday from 7-10 cst, sometimes 8-10 cst.
every 6 weeks or so i work 2 weeks in a row on night shifts, so we will have 2 weeks off, every other month or so.

April 3rd, 2018, 22:49
Would love to roll up a cleric to join the party

April 4th, 2018, 00:30
Great time slot for me if you still have a slot or another slot opens. Would roll a monk or rogue to join the party.

April 4th, 2018, 20:15
Jason and colfen i just shot yall a invite via private message

April 4th, 2018, 20:20
Got it. Thanks.

April 21st, 2018, 23:26
Curse of Strahd Campaign is going very well!!!
Lots of in depth detail and dark horror, 50 % role playing 50 % combat.
Curse of Strahd is VERY dark in tone, it is not a happy sun shine place. Last session my players failed to save multiple children from Strahd as he murdered, and devoured them, blood and soul.

I had two players drop out last week, some did not like the dark material of the adventure.
I am trying to fill those 2 party spots before we play again on May 9.
Currently taking a break due to family vacations, play sessions will resume on May 9th at 7pm cst.
Any Race and Class combination will be welcomed, no Nuetral evil, or Chaotic Evil characters please.

If you are interested in joining please send me a private message on the forums, or reply to this thread. Feel free to drop a short synopsis of your character, if you want to.

Game sessions: Every Thursday night 7-10pm CST. Some nights 8-10pm CST. Every 6 weeks, we will take a 2 week break.
Game Communication is by Discord Voice Chat. will share link in private message.
You will start at 5th level, with appropriate magic items of equal power to the party.

April 22nd, 2018, 15:34
Picked up 1 player this morning, still need 2 more or so to make a even well rounded party. send me a private message, or reply here in the forums if you are interested.
The campaign is going very well, it is quite dark and sadistic.

any class or race combo is fine at the moment

April 22nd, 2018, 17:11
Hello! Can I join in? =)

April 22nd, 2018, 18:26
Hey, I'm willing to join. Would love to get back into a dnd game!

April 22nd, 2018, 21:38
manaverde and manultra, what type of character are you thinking about?

and a couple of questions for you.
1) are you ok with a very sadistic and dark atmosphere in the game world?
2) there is violence against children , women, and the elderly civilians in my campaign world. Count Strahd is cruel and blood thirsty. there will be depictions of children and civilians being hurt, beaten, and torn to shreds by vampires in the night.
3) The dark God - VOL, lord of Chaos is the dark patron of Count Strahd. As such there will be some imagery of dark religious nature. Strahd sold his soul to VOL and murdered his brother in a pact to attain power. There will be instances of religious discussion with npcs, as they tempt the party pcs into selling their souls for power yours included.

the most important part i must communicate is that we are trying to hold a sense of horror, and respect for the campaign.
there are moments of humor and jokes with npcs, but i really want to drive home the sense of dread and despair.
if you are ok with knowing this up front ill gladly extend you an invite.

let me know

April 22nd, 2018, 21:49
I'm thinking a sorcerer or a fighter. I'm okay with the points you've mentioned.

April 23rd, 2018, 09:47
Sure, ok for me. I would like to play a barbarian, but I can play with any class that the party needs.

April 23rd, 2018, 17:26
I would love to join your game if you have me!? Not sure what I play as atm but am willing to play any class and race the party needs.