View Full Version : dnd 5e rules - issues upon issues

March 30th, 2018, 20:17
Hello guys/girls

I've been having issues with targeting for couple days now and it seems that nothing is working (reinstalling modules/ core files and even entire software) as it should be. I am trying to be DM but since my players are not able target anything (even after clearing cache with "nuke" button) we've stopped playing because well face the truth without combat its not playable ... .If anyone could give me any hints on how to fix this issue I would be greatful for that.
PS. I was trying to join my game as well on the same machine and targeting does not work either. Please just please help me.


March 30th, 2018, 20:39
Hey Cadros, welcome to the forums :) Sorry you're having problems :(

Sorry I don't have time to give you the whole run-down and everything, but the short answer is that you are probably not placing the token on the map correctly.

ALWAYS place the PC's into the combat tracker by dragging their portraits from the top left corner to the CT. And then ALWAYS place them on the map by dragging their tokens from the cT to the map.

For NPCs, always place their tokens on the map from the CT. And place them on the CT by either using the icon from the encounter object (looks like a down arrow) or by dragging their toekn from the NPC record onto the CT.

Without doing those things, targeting won't work as expected.

Let us know if that resolves your problems.

March 30th, 2018, 20:51
OMG I freaking LOVE YOU <3. WORKED. Thank you so so much