View Full Version : Skybound Module Background Discussion: Sky Jumper Ideals

March 29th, 2018, 16:06
Hello again everyone. Thank you for the responses for the personality traits. They have inspired me and I am nearly complete with the eight sample personality traits for the Sky Jumper. I am now seeking inspiration for Ideals. Below is the synapses of the sky jumper from my campaign. Again inspired by Reign of Fire.

"Ten Seconders. That is what outsiders call you. because that is your life expectancy when you are in your element. You are part of an elite group of individuals whos purpose is to even the playing field for those who are in the presence of a flying danger. You've spent a lot of time on airships high above the lands hiding in or around clouds awaiting your pray. Equipped with your specially designed wing suit, you jump from the decks and expertly move like a raptor diving to it's unknowing prey. You fearlessly pursue your target and never open your parachute until the target is brought down. You have seen many of your comrades meet a sudden end by not keeping a watchful eye on the elusive ground.
You live for the hunt. The thrill of rushing air passed your face and body is intoxicating and addictive. To you there is nothing more exciting, more dangerous or more reckless than diving to a target and grounding it or boarding it to take over. Like any addiction, you live for the next jump knowing full well that it may be your last."