View Full Version : Need a player for 5e Saturdays 6pm CST

March 24th, 2018, 00:44

We have a group thats has been playing through the 5e modules a couple of months now and as luck would have it right as we're about to start the storm kings, our barbarian just had his first child. The kids real cute and we're really excited for him buuuuut it means he can't be making it to the games for a while. So we're looking for a new 4th, tho when he comes back i'd like to continue with a party of 5 anyway (I run the games to be pretty challenging).

you don't have to have any of the modules or even fantasy grounds because i bought the big bundle
oh and we do stream the game tho its not one of our more viewed streams and we don't aim for any real production quality on this one, its more for the fun of the game.
oh and certainly preferred if you haven't played through the modules yet, the experience is fun and we'd avoid spoilers


March 30th, 2018, 03:38
I might be interested!

March 30th, 2018, 14:43
if you are still looking for a player i would love to join
if you have any questions feel free to message me

April 1st, 2018, 01:54
Hey I am fairly new to this but I would love to join you guys! Even if it were to be today haha.