View Full Version : Activate License after reinstalling Mac installer install

March 23rd, 2018, 17:14
I recently nuked my Mac install to check out the new installer (used the beta one in past where installs in a directory with a dev’s name ;) ) and to “cleanup”

Been going through the development wikis and when tried to go back into a test campaign, I noticed it wasn’t there. That’s when I noticed this Girl Scout was 8 STORIES tall...oh sorry got carried away with my free associations.

Anyhow, I noticed a button at bottom saying “activate license” - I checked and my forum name and password was there. My purchases stuff was already in vault and other places. So am a bit confused what’s up.

The top right says: v.3.3.4 FREE (I have Universal version)

Am I forgetting a step or is my license wrong (I’m guessing I cut and pasted it) and it has my stuff only due to the forum name/password etc?


March 23rd, 2018, 17:24
Your license is not directly linked to your Forum username - i.e. FG will not pick up a license key from your forum account, you need to make sure you enter it (and enter it accurately - no spaces at the beginning/end etc.) in the FG settings window and then run an update.

March 23rd, 2018, 17:40
I figured it was a bad license info thing. I was just thrown off because when I first updated the other week it definitely got all my purchases and downloaded em.

I incorrectly associated in my head purchases with it having validated my license. Will check it for the error. I hadn’t noticed before because I only use it to test things, I play instead on my windows install.