View Full Version : Displaying player screen on a TV

March 20th, 2018, 02:40
How do players beam player screen to a tv for whole group to see since some players don't bring computer

March 20th, 2018, 03:52
I moved this post to a new thread, from the Starfinder bug report thread, as this question is not related to a Starfinder bug.

Hopefully someone will come along soon and respond.

March 20th, 2018, 04:04
Would a Chromecast (or similar device) work?

March 20th, 2018, 04:20
I’m pretty sure that the players can’t share their screen unless there is some weird technology i’m not familiar with. I think your answer is for you as DM to join your own game with a dummy player character and sent that instance of FG to a screen that all players can view.

March 20th, 2018, 04:22
Depends on your computer. If you're using a laptop, then it might be worth plugging your laptop into the TV with a HDMI cable, and setting it up as a second monitor. I imagine that's how most people do it.

March 20th, 2018, 04:36
A lot of networked TVs have the ability to project to them. Windows 10 has the ability to connect ("project") to a wireless TV display as another monitor.

It all depends on the TV in question. You can also use Chromecast or other plugin streaming devices. It's all basically a case of setting it all up and using the TV as another monitor.

The limiting factor from a FG standpoint will be that only one player instance of FG can be ran on a computer at a time.

March 20th, 2018, 05:07
Yep, lots of ways to do this. Biggest question is how do you get your computer to display on your TV? A dozen or more ways to do that, once you get that working then you really have the problem solved.

Note, the GM can also connect to the TV, start a second instance of FG, connect to their game using the address of localhost and drag that instance of FG to their second monitor which is setup as their TV.

January 26th, 2019, 01:10
I'm considering this as an alternative for a custom gaming table where the table has an inset 4k TV. The players would use their own computers and FG client for tracking combat, loot parcels, character sheets, etc, however the TV on the table would use a separate computer from the player or DM running the FG client. Could you configure an "invisible player" as part of the game that wasn't in the combat tracker, but took advantage of the shared map? That should allow you to project only the maps and shared content on the central screen. One player could use that client to coordinate all player movement on the map freeing up player maps on smaller screens if you choose. The only downside I can see is that you need another dedicated PC just for the shared display.

Perhaps an FG client mode that allowed you to join as spectator would be an interesting feature?

January 26th, 2019, 01:38
Spectators do receive/see all shared images.

January 26th, 2019, 03:34
Perhaps an FG client mode that allowed you to join as spectator would be an interesting feature?
Just join a game and don't select a PC.