View Full Version : New Player Needed

March 19th, 2018, 21:33

I am in need of a new player to add to a group of adventurers that are travelling the Sword Coast. They are currently approaching Waterdeep travelling the Trade Way from Daggerford. They have been recently in the cities of Scornubel, Berdusk and Baldur's Gate and the towns of Greenest and Elturel. They are headed toward the Mere of Dead Men on a mission of the greatest importance for the survival of all residents of Faerun and perhaps all of humanity in Realmspace.

So here's the real skinny. I have a group that has been playing the Tyranny of Dragons modules for about a year now. It's a 5E campaign not strictly from the books. I have added some flavor to it and the party has been a blast. Unfortunately, we have lost a member and may loose another.

We play on Monday nights at 5:30 pm US Central. I would need a new character next week and I know this part sucks, but it would have to be Level 7 or 8 (depending on how things go tonight). It also would need to be more melee than support. Right now the party has a Paladin, Cleric, Sorceress, Rogue, Druid and Warlock. The player for the Warlock had to quit with no real warning due to real life issues and the Druid recently changed jobs and may or may not be able to continue. The Pally is more tank than not and the Cleric is a War Cleric, but the player has some issues (work related) being on time and I usually play him until the player gets home from work.

This is my first campaign as a DM and I have enjoyed it greatly, the group is very fun and very much into RP (they do like to kill stuff too and have gotten very good at it). I would be looking to introduce the new character next week in the City of Splendors so a back story related to Waterdeep (or not) could come in handy.

If interested, PM me please. I will be looking to get with all applicants soon.

Oh, we use DISCORD for comms and the game is NOT being streamed. Not that I have anything against that, I'm just not tech savvy enough to do that.

The spot was filled effective 3/20/18. Please do not respond or PM.

March 19th, 2018, 22:28
FYI I am one of the founding players in this campaign and I can tell you it's a blast!

OldJarhead's style of DMing is tons of fun and the group throws down allot of Role Play with a heavy sprinkling of Roll Play. My fellow players are all great and welcoming people. Come on down and kill some cultists with us!

March 20th, 2018, 15:32
I am interested in joining your group. I am completely new to this format but i am not new to Dnd, except version 4 and 5, i play 3.5 Darksun now with my table top group. I do have discord. Let me know what I need to do.


I am in need of a new player to add to a group of adventurers that are travelling the Sword Coast. They are currently approaching Waterdeep travelling the Trade Way from Daggerford. They have been recently in the cities of Scornubel, Berdusk and Baldur's Gate and the towns of Greenest and Elturel. They are headed toward the Mere of Dead Men on a mission of the greatest importance for the survival of all residents of Faerun and perhaps all of humanity in Realmspace.

So here's the real skinny. I have a group that has been playing the Tyranny of Dragons modules for about a year now. It's a 5E campaign not strictly from the books. I have added some flavor to it and the party has been a blast. Unfortunately, we have lost a member and may loose another.

We play on Monday nights at 5:30 pm US Central. I would need a new character next week and I know this part sucks, but it would have to be Level 7 or 8 (depending on how things go tonight). It also would need to be more melee than support. Right now the party has a Paladin, Cleric, Sorceress, Rogue, Druid and Warlock. The player for the Warlock had to quit with no real warning due to real life issues and the Druid recently changed jobs and may or may not be able to continue. The Pally is more tank than not and the Cleric is a War Cleric, but the player has some issues (work related) being on time and I usually play him until the player gets home from work.

This is my first campaign as a DM and I have enjoyed it greatly, the group is very fun and very much into RP (they do like to kill stuff too and have gotten very good at it). I would be looking to introduce the new character next week in the City of Splendors so a back story related to Waterdeep (or not) could come in handy.

If interested, PM me please. I will be looking to get with all applicants soon.

Oh, we use DISCORD for comms and the game is NOT being streamed. Not that I have anything against that, I'm just not tech savvy enough to do that.

March 20th, 2018, 17:21
I would be interested if you think a Wood Elf Ranger might be good fit. I'm a mature gamer (read old fart). I have played and/or run all versions of D&D starting with BECMI through 4e, but have not yet tried 5e. As an American expat living in Costa Rica, we're in the same time zone as well.

March 20th, 2018, 23:25
Thanks to all the interested parties, the spot has been filled.