View Full Version : curse of the crimson throne

March 16th, 2018, 04:35
we had a player drop out due to a schedule change so we are looking for one person who can jump in.

players are 6th level and we try to play every thursday night... well.. most thursday nights. (We are about half way through the second book in the AP)

technically we play 6-10 pm PST but usually we get going a little late... 6:30ish. play 3 1/2 to 4 hours.

lemme know if you are interested.


March 16th, 2018, 15:05
steff is a great gm i highly recommend his game its good times!

March 16th, 2018, 23:16
i would be interested but im not familliar with this campaign, so if you dont mind that, id be in.
i have 8 month 1 session a. 2 h each week expierience of pathfinder without any modifications.
what char i would play and any other infos we could get to in discord or whatever voice programm you prefer.

March 18th, 2018, 00:46
We use teamspeak. currently we have a slayer, an oracle, and a paladin so it is kind of wide open in regards to what type of character you would play. I only ask that we don't get weird with 3rd party books and/or the races. Nothing weird.

The party juuuust made 6th level and then Vhok had to bow out.

if interested, shoot me an email address and i will get you onto the campaign website and we will go from there.


March 18th, 2018, 02:10
sure, im not a fan of 3rd party either.
email: [email protected]

March 18th, 2018, 02:25
OK. Check your email. that should get you into the obsidian portal webpage. Lemme know what you are thinking of in terms of character and if I can answer any questions you have. You can build your character in FG and then import it when we play or you can do it in herolab and then import that or i can open up the server some time for you to edit your character should you so desire.

whatever works best for you.