View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Any day CST US Time Zone prefer 5E

March 13th, 2018, 20:24
FG License: Demo for now. Will get at least standard once I am more comfortable with system.

Time Zone: Central Time, USA

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Any day of the week but can only meet bi-weekly (once every 2 weeks) due to work hours.

Term: Any and all. Preferrably long term but will play one shots to get to know a group.

Voice: I can use voice chat. I have used both teamspeak and Skype before. I have a discord but have never used it for voice. I am willing to download whatever group is using.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E or D&D 4E

Game System Experience: I have played at least 1 session of almost every edition of D&D. (OD&D, BECMI, 2nd Ed, 4E, 5E) I have most experience with 5E and liked 4e for the time I played in it. Almost all experience was through Roll20.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Never used Fantasy Grounds but I have watched some tutorials on Youtube including some FG College videos.

Character Type Preferred: I would like to play a Wild Magic Sorc, maybe a wizard. Or anything the group really needs. I have most experience with Ranger.

About me: As I said earlier I've played mostly through Roll20 and 5E. I had played a Ranger for most of that time. The group I was with disbanded and I am just looking for games. I have always wanted to try FG so thought this was my chance. I enjoy more combat heavy games hence why unlike most I liked 4E haha. The group I was last with didn't role play so I have very little if any experience with that but am willing to try. I tend to have the rules of the edition engrained in my head so I can help with rule clarifications if need be. (helpful for 1st time players I'd imagine)

March 13th, 2018, 23:40
If your experience is just roll20, you are in for a huge treat moving to FG.

March 16th, 2018, 12:36
I'd be interested in joining a group. Here is some info about me:

FG License: Demo for now. Like you, I'd be willing to shell out the money for standard or ultimate license once I'm familiar with FG.

Time Zone: Eastern Time, USA

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Just about any day works for me, but would need to be after 12:30 or 1 PM ET.

Term: Maybe a one-shot (or two) at first, just to get the hang of FG and to know the group. But I wouldn't be opposed to a longer campaign.

Voice: Discord, skype or google hangouts

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E

Game System Experience: I have a few 5E sessions under my belt on roll20.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Never used FG. Only watched some YouTube videos, as well as attempt to play the demo campaign (but I'm not really sure what I'm doing there)

Character Type Preferred: I have the most experience with a fighter, but at this point I'm willing to branch out to whatever is needed. I have a couple of characters ready to go, including a Half-elf Ranger, Halfling Rogue, and a Dwarf Fighter. I also have some thoughts going through my mind about a Gnome Wizard, Half-orc Barbarian, a Tiefling Bard, and an Elf Monk. Basically, whatever is needed.

About me: I played D&D (3.5E) back in college 15+ years ago, so I'm just getting into 5E now. The few sessions I have under my belt are on Roll20, with no experience on FG. I'm a chilled player, rolls with whatever the DM throws my way. I like a good mix of role playing and combat.