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View Full Version : Available text chat options

March 12th, 2018, 22:58
Hi there. New user here, just purchased an Ultimate license the other day and still picking up tricks. The group that I DM for is also freshly imported from our previous VTT environment, and so far their response to FG has been great. Two areas where they're missing our former choice of VTT service, though, is in regards to the chat.

The first is session chat logs. I've looked and found no options for players to save their own chat log of our sessions (though I have discovered this fantastic chat log scrubber (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?8133-Chat-Log-Scrubber-released) for my own logs, which has allowed the group to keep their campaign record going with a bit of extra effort). Are there other options for this I have not found yet?

The other (minor) complaint from players has been the lack of sound notification whenever something new is posted in the chat window. Is there anything I can do to add something like that into our campaign for them?


March 12th, 2018, 23:06
I use a shared Google Drive folder to store the chatlog, which is held on the host (GM's) machine only. The chat log scrubber can help tidy things up, but it's worth tarting the log up once loaded into Drive with Google Docs, adding images from the scenes etc. You can store character sheets and bios in the same folder, giving the group something to look back on with fondness in times to come.

Why do they need a sound for things popping into the chat log. They are meant to be attentively watching the chat for the next witty comment and scene description. Your troubleshooters may need to report to the nearest termination booth.

March 12th, 2018, 23:09
Welcome Zukahnaut!

Don't worry, you can say any of the competitor's names around here. Won't get you in trouble even if you say one of them does something better than FG. As long as everyone is respectful, SmiteWorks is good with it :)

As far as I know their is only the one chat log, on the host's side.

Their is a bell/ding that can be turned on to indicate a turn, but I don't know of a way for any chat notification. Given how many things go into chat, that might be a lot of sounds!

But, using the DOE Sounds Extension, I'm pretty sure you could make sounds for speech sent to chat. I'd go poke around the instructions for that extension and ask in that thread if the manual doesn't give you a good idea how that would be done. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?31369-DOE-Sound-Extension

March 12th, 2018, 23:12
The only sound that FG produces is the ring bell on players turn option. You may get some mileage out of this extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?31369-DOE-Sound-Extension) if you want to play more sounds.

March 12th, 2018, 23:42
Thank you very much.