View Full Version : Belt of Giant Strength

March 9th, 2018, 20:33
Good Day All :)
I thought I saw a post somewhere that showed a way to make an effect to simulate something like a Belt of Giant Strength, but as I tried to search it I have fallen well short of success. :)

I thought it was an effect that was able to take a statistic and add a number to it to a set point. Such as a character with a 16 Str puts on the belt and it raises it to 21 (Adds 5) but another character with a 19 Str puts it on and it raises it to 21 (adds 2).

Looking at the Wiki I could not see anything that would do this calculation.

Thanks for any assistance.

March 9th, 2018, 20:38
There isn't such an effect that will do this automatically.

You would need to compute the difference between the character's ability score and the new score and then add an effect of STR: x where x represents the difference. So in your examples you would want STR: 5 for the first character and STR: 2 for the second.

March 9th, 2018, 22:23
That is how we are doing it. I just thought I saw something in a post somewhere :)

Thanks for the quick response :)