View Full Version : LFP [Savage Worlds] Tales of the Yawning Portal - redux

March 5th, 2018, 20:59
Due to some of my players doing important family things on Saturday nights, I decided to pull out some of my old favorite adventures and redo them for Fantasy Grounds and Savage Worlds....

Then a buddy dropped off his copy of 'Tales from the Yawning Portal' - heck! It's got most of those old favorites redone for 5e (which is fine, but not the system I like to play) - so I started converting them to FG and SW for fun and for my PCs to have something to do. Now I'm offering others a chance to jump in and play these old classic dungeon crawlers with my group, in a sort of 'one-shot' manner.

We play Saturday nights in Pacific Time - you know, West Coast of North America or GMT -7, we start at about 6:30 PM and play...usually til about 9:00 PM but we've gone longer or shorter depending on real life stuff. We aren't a hard-core 'role-play' group, we prefer to play our character, but don't go too far overboard with it. One of the players has a nasty habit of saying 10-4 instead of 'yes', but that's due to his real life work...

So while I impatiently wait for my posse to reform (for my Deadlands game) I figured I'd offer up some slots for those who might want to try Savage Worlds on for size. Oh, and I'm huge into sounds so we use other programs as well; Discord (voice), Syrinscape (for sounds) and cleanfeed (for background music and some sounds). I have the Ultimate licence and have purchased or paid for the other stuff - so you don't have to pay to play. Just create accounts on cleanfeed and syrinscape to enjoy the full immersion of Fantasy Grounds.

Drop me a message or reply here if interested. Our next game is Saturday March 10 at 6:30 (18:30) Pacific Time.

March 6th, 2018, 15:15
I'd like to drop in for some yawning portal. Currently been trying to find a game to try some characters out

March 7th, 2018, 20:05
Hi Shim;

I sent you a PM with some information.