View Full Version : Adding Custom Class to PHB Spells

March 4th, 2018, 01:35
So I've got an Artificer implementation, modified from UA. They have their own spell list. However reading on the forums indicates to me that we can't create custom lists from the UI.

This left me thinking it would be great to assign existing spells to the Artificer in the spell list, but as far as I know I can't edit core content.

The solution that comes to mind is to make a copy of every spell they get, and set the Source as Artificer so that when someone searches it at least comes up that way.

Is there any less tedious, cleaner, or more straightforward way of doing things that I'm missing?

March 4th, 2018, 01:36
PS - for now I just have spell links for all their spells at the bottom of the Class description.

March 4th, 2018, 04:41
If you make your own PHB module, it won't be locked and you can easily splice the Artificer into the class lists on spells. Unfortunately, if you use the bought PHB, there is no easier way than you are thinking.