View Full Version : LFG 2 Players Thurs, Fri, or Sat prefer 5e or Pathfinder

March 3rd, 2018, 05:02
FG License: Paid
We can play for longer campaigns as our availability will not change, we're both late nighters so the time zone isn't a big issue, as long as it is a in the states.and Were both fine with voice.
We can play anytime after 8:30 pst on Thursday and any time Friday or Saturday.

We both have some experience with Pathfinder and 5e, we have pretty much no experience with Fantasy Ground but are quick on the pickup and have been getting to know the basics, thank you YouTube.
We both prefer Mage, but can do Bard/Warlock/Rogue.

We have played Pathfinder on Roll20 and had a hell of a lot of fun doing so. Unfortunately people started bailing on our last campaign so we we're hoping to find a more dedicated and interested group.
Thanks much, let us know.

March 3rd, 2018, 08:40
Hey Shuuko.

I'm starting a new group next week or the week after. You'd be more than welcome to join!
We currently have 4-5 players, but I can easily make it work with 6-7 ��
We're in Australia btw. We will most likely be doing a Wednesday or Thursday night at 7pm (+10GMT) session. So I'm not sure what time that would be for you.

D&D 5e, Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Most of the players have never used Fantasy Grounds either, so you'll fit in.

PM me if you're interested ��

March 3rd, 2018, 12:53
Pancakes, Are you still Taking players. I too am a noob on FG and want to play. you may pm me here and I will copy this to you