View Full Version : Paizo Sync - Star Finder

February 27th, 2018, 16:41
How does the Paizo.com sync work?

I am thinking of purchasing Starfinder and also the FG modules.

Does this only apply to PDFs? How about the Physical books?

Thanks in advance.

February 27th, 2018, 16:46
It only applies to PDFs.

Information (And sync controls) here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/syncPaizoAccount.xcp

February 27th, 2018, 17:09
Oh that kinda sucks, the books have move value and are more expensive.

February 27th, 2018, 17:36
Paizo policy not smiteworks

February 27th, 2018, 17:38
Don't blame Paizo for anything here. They are currently the only company that does any product sync at all. It's great what they're doing to give you a free PDF with your FG product, or reduce the price if you already have the PDF.

Doing any reduction with physical products would be impossible - where did you buy your book? What proof do you have you still own it? And so on...