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View Full Version : Once (or twice) a month RPGA Living Greyhawk, interested?

April 6th, 2006, 01:41
Hi all,

I just purchased FG and so far it looks great!! I'm looking forward to the next release!

I am hoping to run Living Greyhawk COR modules once or twice a month once I get more familiar with the software and using it. Is there enough interest for Living Greyhawk?!

If so, which COR modules are there interest in? According to the RPGA all online adventures need to be Core adventures, no regional, etc..

I'm not sure which day of the week would work best for me yet.

Thanks and looking forward to using FG!!


April 6th, 2006, 07:13

I'm not terribly familiar with all aspects of Living Greyhawk but I have a couple of questions.

Since we are playing in a virtual venue, how do you handle the issue of home regions? Or is this dealt with by using only Core modules? If so, how do PCs determine origin, develop background etc? (Like I said, not real familiar with LG)

Have you ran Living Greyhawk modules/regional campaign before? Just curious what your experience has been with it. I have none but like the concept. So, depending on time/day I may be interested. Currently, I'm committed to a long-term game that runs every Sunday afternoon.

Finally, I presume this will start with a fresh group of 1st level characters? If not, I'm not sure I can play. I think all LG characters must start at 1st level.

Please clarify when you get a chance and also let me know what time zone you are in and when you were thinking of playing. Thanks...


April 6th, 2006, 19:31

I'm not terribly familiar with all aspects of Living Greyhawk but I have a couple of questions.

Since we are playing in a virtual venue, how do you handle the issue of home regions? Or is this dealt with by using only Core modules? If so, how do PCs determine origin, develop background etc? (Like I said, not real familiar with LG)

Have you ran Living Greyhawk modules/regional campaign before? Just curious what your experience has been with it. I have none but like the concept. So, depending on time/day I may be interested. Currently, I'm committed to a long-term game that runs every Sunday afternoon.

Finally, I presume this will start with a fresh group of 1st level characters? If not, I'm not sure I can play. I think all LG characters must start at 1st level.

Please clarify when you get a chance and also let me know what time zone you are in and when you were thinking of playing. Thanks...


Hiya BaldMike,

I know i'm not tfelts, but I can shed some light on how online LG works.

Yes the fact that it's virtual is handled by only allowing COR scenarios to be played. I have run, and played in, many of the Living Greyhawk scenarios and they can be quite good. The thing that a lot of players have issue with is the fact that each scenario (or two or three if you hit a short story arc) is self contained. In general, they are not linked together.

As to the level of your character, yes if you've never played Living Greyhawk before you would have to begin at level 1 with 0xp. The other players at the table can use whatever character they've been playing with. However, If any characters at the table are 3 or more levels higher or lower than the APL (Average Party Level) that the scenario is played at, then they only receive half of the normal experience for that scenario. Also, If you play a character that is 3 levels lower than the aPL that the scenario is played at, then you also receive half normal gold for the scenario.

Any more questions, and someone will be happy to answer.

April 6th, 2006, 20:10
I might be intrested but I was wondering if the APL determines the EL of the encounters in a senario or if they are set? Either way why would a low level player get less XP for playing with a higher level group since the average would drop and in turn lower the XP the whole party would recieve? I mean the low level character is taking a chance by going on an adventure that is more difficult then he is capable of handling and has more of a chance of dieing then the higher level players. Either way I would still like to see what LG is all about and would like to get involved.

April 6th, 2006, 21:08
I might be intrested but I was wondering if the APL determines the EL of the encounters in a senario or if they are set? Either way why would a low level player get less XP for playing with a higher level group since the average would drop and in turn lower the XP the whole party would recieve? I mean the low level character is taking a chance by going on an adventure that is more difficult then he is capable of handling and has more of a chance of dieing then the higher level players. Either way I would still like to see what LG is all about and would like to get involved.

The APL indeed determines the EL of the encounters in a scenario. The reason that a low level player gets less XP is because they tend to NOT take more risk as you imply. They tend, rather, to sit in the background and get XP at an accellerated rate (abuse is why they ammended this rule long ago). XP is not awarded the same in LG as a home campaign. The XP for an encounter is calculated at the APL and divided by 10. Each character then gets one share of the XP. So if you fought two orcs (CR 1/2) at APL 2, then the orc encounter would be worth 300/10 = 30 xp per participating player. That way everyone in the campaign gets the same xp for the same encounters (at the same APL) regardless of who DM's it or who plays in it.

Think of it like this... 4 players sit down to play the game. Three of those players run level 4 characters, and one has a brand new level 1 character. The average party level is 13/4 = 3.25 dropping the fraction to 3. The scenarios are only played at even APL's so a party with an APL3 can choose to play at APL2 or APL4. No one plays scenarios at higher APL's than the party is unless you really want to suicide your character so the party picks APL2. An APL2 scenario is a breeze for 3 level 4 characters while the level 1 just sits around getting a free ride.

LG is a fun campaign, but if you're the type that doesn't like restrictions then it's really not for you. This is a global campaign so they have plenty of rules in place to put everyone on a level playing field.

April 6th, 2006, 21:18

Thanks for the info. I like long-term campaigns and developing the role playing aspects of my characters. Do you see this as being precluded in a LG campaign? I did kind of like the idea of the global campaign and the stiff rules really don't bother me. My thought was the living LG campaign would be a fun and different experience that would really create the feel that things are happening around you. Just wondering where you feel the trade-off lies on this issue?

Also, what about RPGA membership? When I went to the webpage, it said you must register at a live event. It sounds like if you don't already have membership in the organization you would have to attend at least one event or convention and get signed up before you could play in a virtual LG campaign. Is that right?

On a side note, I do like the way you have a certain number of time units that each character can play in a year. This would, if nothing else, just be a nice supplement to the regular virtual campaign I just started in.

Thanks again for the info, appreciate it!


April 6th, 2006, 21:36

Thanks for the info. I like long-term campaigns and developing the role playing aspects of my characters. Do you see this as being precluded in a LG campaign? I did kind of like the idea of the global campaign and the stiff rules really don't bother me. My thought was the living LG campaign would be a fun and different experience that would really create the feel that things are happening around you. Just wondering where you feel the trade-off lies on this issue?

Also, what about RPGA membership? When I went to the webpage, it said you must register at a live event. It sounds like if you don't already have membership in the organization you would have to attend at least one event or convention and get signed up before you could play in a virtual LG campaign. Is that right?

On a side note, I do like the way you have a certain number of time units that each character can play in a year. This would, if nothing else, just be a nice supplement to the regular virtual campaign I just started in.

Thanks again for the info, appreciate it!


I think that you can get very good character development in LG. It is even easier if you play with the same pool of players (not necessarily the same 4-6 all the time) regularly.

As far as membership goes... I can give you a membership number, and you'll be active after you play your first scenario so that's not an issue what so ever. tfelts could also provide you with a membership number (as he's obviously an RPGA certified GM) when you begin playing.

Any other queries... fire away.

April 7th, 2006, 01:20
Once again, good information. I guess that makes sense that a RPGA approved DM should be able to get me a #. I know that there are considerably more rules regarding play, tracking, etc. but I think it would be fun.

I believe it would be particularly interesting to play the character here (thru FG) but have him come from my home region so that I can play live events offered throughout the state as well.

Okay tfelts, got some very good info from Cypher so I'm in - depending on day/time you plan on running the campaign - when you're ready. :cool:

April 7th, 2006, 03:05
Thanks Cypher!!!

Yes, I could give you an RPGA number once we begin play. The only concern I have at the moment is interest...RPGA events need a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 6.

However, if it appears we won't get enough interest I still plan on running something...I just purchased the Red Hand of Doom and may be interested in running that, or other smaller modules or homemade adventures to get to 4-5the before running Red Hand!

I will wait and see whether others show interest or not....

By the way I am in Ohio, so I'm on Eastern Standard Time....

If anyone is interested in just 'gettining together' to get more familiar with the software let me know...maybe we can find some time and just run through a few encounters?!


April 7th, 2006, 03:49
You're in Ohio, so am I! I'm about 50 miles north of Cincinnati right outside of Dayton. Small world, huh...

April 7th, 2006, 11:21
You're going to think its even smaller when I tell you I live 20-30 miles North of Cincinnati...between Cincinnati and Dayton (in Hamilton)


April 7th, 2006, 11:52
This might be verboten but I'm curious about the whole RPGA thing and would love to see how their adventures are structured.

Is it permissible inside of the association rules to run an introductory dungeon or two for non members?

I'd love to sight see a game before I figure out if I want to join etc....

Coming from two very different parts of the world I don't even know how membership would work and where?

I understand that an informal game would not count towards 'point counts' or any sort of bookeeping by the association.


April 9th, 2006, 08:14
I'm seriously interested, but I think I'd want to know what the party was going to look like. If party members were starting out equally, I can't see any problems, but if there is a disparity in starting levels, it looks kind of dull. Being levels behind to start and getting reduced experience seems like it would leave you as doing nothing but watching the other characters (and firing an occasional crossbow bolt that misses) for quite a while.

April 9th, 2006, 17:43
I can't speak for tfelts but if I recall the discussion was around starting characters. So you are looking at APL 2 adventures.

Tim, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me or throw something...whatever. :D

April 9th, 2006, 18:29
Mike and Thelgar,

Your not quite getting the spirit of the Living Greyhawk campaign. Let me see what I can do to help you out.

When people sit down to play an LG game, they are very often sitting at a table of strangers. The whole idea behind all of the rules surrounding the RPGA campaigns is so you can take your character to any table in the world, and sit down and play.

If you're just looking for a static party that always plays together, then you're really missing the whole point. You will most likely find what you're looking for at a regularly scheduled "FG" campaign.

Now don't get me wrong, you can certainly show up to every LG game that Tim runs (provided you have Time Units remaining with your character), but to exclude other people from playing because they're not your exact level really undermines the entire game.

Why is it so hard for players to just start again at level 1? Well you only get about 16-20 core scenarios that you can play per year, and low level characters can't play in about 30-40% of those. Combine that with the fact that you can only play each scenario once per Player (not Character), and you'll find that people really want to tag every XP they can onto their prime character.

I hope this sheds a little more light on what the RPGA, and Living Greyhawk, is about, and I hope that you can see the potential fun playing with potentially new people every time you sit down to play.

Anymore questions, and I'll be happy to answer them :)

April 10th, 2006, 03:04
Like Cypher said, Living Greyhawk is designed so that anyone can play pretty much at any table (given they haven't ran or played the module before). This is one of the reasons why I was seeing if there was enough interest, because that way unlike many of the campaign games you don't have to commit to EVERY Thursday (Monday, Friday, whatever gameday). You just need to sign up for the ones you want to play...

Unfortunately, again because of the way it is designed there needs to be between 4 and 6 players and it may be difficult getting the required number of players each time :( So I may opt for NOT running Living Greyhawk and instead running a few one-shots or small modules and build up to Red Hand of Doom if I can get a consistant core group of players...

I am still experimenting with the software, and hope to join the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil on Saturdays as a player to get experience of the software from the players view-point...

Someday soon I will start on the DM side...


April 10th, 2006, 04:58

I hate to say that so far I have had a very difficult time getting 4 players to sit down in a game. The only time I was successful with that was with a pickup game announced in irc chat.

I think that once the player base using Fantasy Grounds grows, there will be more chance for success running an RPGA event. In fact, since you have to book the event, you would be best to get signup for a date from several players but make sure everyone knows that the first 6 people to sit at the table are in the game.

I know people may not like to be left out, but you will definately have to over-book in order to meet the minimum 4 players.

April 11th, 2006, 00:39
From talking to Cypher on IRC and reading this (Also I was interested before in getting involved in living Greyhawk). I would be really interested in trying out this on FG... depending on the days you plan on running that is.

April 11th, 2006, 00:53

Just played my first Living Greyhawk module this past weekend. Also, had a nice long talk with the DM, who happens to be a member of the Triad for our region so I really got a good primer.

Everything you said makes sense and jives with all that I'm learning. And, from my perspective, I think the possibilities it offers sound like alot of fun. As I read back through my response to Thelgar I can clearly see where it missed the mark. I guess I was thinking as tfelts was new to FG that he would be running entry level modules. Of course that is not necessarily the reality at all. I have a much fuller understanding of that as well.

I find the idea quite compelling to take the character I just generated and play him anywhere in the world, assuming I haven't played the module before. I also see huge opportunity to build a history for him, although it seems that alot of that history will stay personal - unless I published it - as you really don't have time in a four hour session to go to far with explaining character history although the rewards and continual bulding of ARs offer some depth. I'm just hopeful that the roleplaying is as good as what I experienced over the weekend.

Our DM did indicate that the biggest problem with LG was that too many people simply tried to create characters for power gaming with no eye toward the artistic side (role playing, character histories, etc.)

Anyway, I appreciate all the info you've given. Just thought I would chime in on my first experience a bit. Sorry if I hijacked the thread Tim. :(

April 11th, 2006, 01:37
That is great BaldMike!!

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and I hope that you continue to enjoy all that the Living Greyhawk campaign has to offer.

The introductory scenarios you speak of are indeed for level 1 only. They are also Regional only, not Core, which makes them ineligible for online play.

I do see a community of RPGA players forming here, and I'm sure we'll see LG games being played very soon.


April 17th, 2006, 14:22
Definitely interested!!! I currently have a level 2 cleric with all my RPGA Adventure Certificates #99643039 I'm not to crazy about the cleric and would start at level 1 again if you play the right intro modules. I'm living in Portland, OR and am available most week nights and Sundays. Then again like already stated, you will need to over book it and just do first come first play. =) I've heard yahoo groups have a nice online RPGA fan base.

April 17th, 2006, 17:06
Definitely interested!!! I currently have a level 2 cleric with all my RPGA Adventure Certificates #99643039 I'm not to crazy about the cleric and would start at level 1 again if you play the right intro modules. I'm living in Portland, OR and am available most week nights and Sundays. Then again like already stated, you will need to over book it and just do first come first play. =) I've heard yahoo groups have a nice online RPGA fan base.

Keep in mind, as stated in earlier posts, that intro modules are Regional, and as such are not available for online play. Only Core scenarios are available for online play, and with a party of 1st level characters... someone's gonna die :)

You may want to play the first three scenarios with that cleric if everyone else is level 1. Then when people level up, start a new character. Riding dogs with attack training are also available if the party is composed of level 1 characters, but these can be more annoying than helpful.

April 17th, 2006, 21:26
Currently have a Level 1 Paladin in Living Greyhawk, will probably be a couple of more months before he makes level 2 as the gameday I started attending only runs once a month.

Looking for a couple of other games days in the area that I could attend to maybe push through a level or so a little quicker, IF he's not killed. Of course, I also am playing a Paladin now in Stuart's Qabbal campaign thru FG so am actually interested in running a different LG character. Thinking of an elf that I may push to Eldritch Knight....

Also, we have Origins here in Columbus, OH in June and then GenCon Indy soon after so maybe I'll be able to push some character thru first level by sometime this summer. Then again, who knows...

Still interested in playing a core module online though if we can get it worked out.

Wow, just read through this post... failed my save vs. confusion. :confused:

April 18th, 2006, 01:00
I just started playing in the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign on FG Saturday nights. I am very impressed with FG and I'm still interested in running some LG cores...just have to find the time...I also need to determine which ones people would like to play (haven't played yet)...
