View Full Version : LFG | 1 PLAYER | LF weekend game: FRI SAT SUN | MST US TIME ZONE | prefer 5e

February 25th, 2018, 09:05
FG License: Paid standard license
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekends preferred; Friday and Sunday work best but I'm willing to attend Saturdays as well. Monthly and bimonthly frequency is best for me currently; I'm a masters student and a full-time engineer, so time is limited and valuable. I have no preferences on time outside of later than 8pm MST Sunday.
Term: I would love to play a long while and find my DnD forever home.
Voice: I can voice chat with minimal background noise and decent quality hardware and internet connection; I will download whichever software the group is using.

Game System Preferred: My experience is mostly with DnD 5e, so I'd like to stay there.
Game System Experience: I've played 5e and 3.5e DnD, both as DM and player, but am still inexperienced overall.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm very new to fantasy grounds, but am tech-savvy. I usually only need to be shown something once or twice at most, and will use the forum as needed to improve my capacity.

Character Type Preferred: I don't hate any class, though I haven't played every one. However, I embrace creative play, so I'm open to trying different classes if needed. My favorite classes are casters; I'm currently looking to play an Illusionist Wizard playing a control combat application. I'd also enjoy:

Abjuration Caster/Warrior Blend focused on debuffing/interruption applications;
Bard focused on buffing combat application;
Diviner Wizard playing a control combat application;
Psyonic because it seems cool and no DMs to date will tolerate it (but it might be too damage heavy for me);

About me:
I'm M/31/USA.

I have a background in Philosophy, and my Masters is in Strategic Management (in progress). I enjoy the game where the DM balances creativity and difficulty to provide a malleable world in which adventurers who work together can someday become the heroes of tomorrow. I embrace a DM who is strict on interpretation, but is so because they encourage creative application; I work best with a DM that would likely say, "My favorite sessions are those where I see something new and exciting I've never seen before. I love it when my players can defeat me."

I'll rp in character with a silly voice if that's the pace of the game, or I'll joke around and discuss elements across the table. The type of game I need is one that embraces each individual, and their overall contribution to a team's success. I need a game where the entire 3 hours we spent discussing the intricate details of how exactly to synergize abilities during an upcoming combat experience. For me, life is about trying and failing, so we can learn and do something better next time. I need a game where our good-aligned paladin has no qualms with our evil-aligned necromancer, because the over-arching catalyst is a greater threat, and we're in this as a team regardless.

I'm usually the player who wants to touch things when nobody is looking; I like silliness and playfulness, but am stubbornly loyal. Some things I've done out of combat:

As an illusionist wizard I've casted minor illusion while our diviner is in a trance to give him a new hairstyle,
As a sorcerer after rescuing a baby white dragon for a kobold clan, I coordinated their mass-slaughter because my dragon-blood alignment was in opposition of the baby dragon we rescued, but I had to complete the mission first to respect the honor of my good-aligned teammates.
I tried to play off my high charisma as the sorcerer by using the intimidation skill on almost anything that moved; then I tried to persuade them to love me!

My combat preference is support, though I've played a damage-based evoker once. Some combat things I've done include:

I've used minor illusion to customize a major image based on my team's descriptions, then released it in combat as map control;
I've hidden in a minor illusion until the enemy necromancer came out of invisibility, used suggestion on him, and had him turn on his enemies (my teammate has previously used crown of thorns to have one of the lower thugs attack a thug leader, so I suggested: your henchmen are attacking their leadership, you must immediately kill the henchmen before they mutiny and kill you.)
I'm known to create dust storms and run around inside of them with mirror image, covering different parts of the battle field to reduce enemy ranged capacity;

Ultimately, I need a DM that can fairly appreciate creativity because they are capable of adapting to it. I need a team that understands the benefits of having someone who questions everything, pushes boundaries, and acts out of turn. I don't want a DM that shuts any ideas down because they don't want to deal with it; likewise, I don't want a DM who can't incorporate creative applications well enough so I become an annoyance to my team. I know, I'm needy. But its the needy ones that will stick around, contribute, and build a strong environment that fosters learning and fun. I'm just taking a chance here, if I'm not a good fit with your group I'll keep looking elsewhere, I understand people are dynamic, complex, and unique. Thanks for reading, and I hope we can create the DnD experience that can rival that of fantasy novels!

Aedus Amaterasu
March 3rd, 2018, 01:11
I run a group that plays sat night 6/7 - 11pm est. We are starting up a new campaign in 5th ed. The campaign will be in forgotten realms and we will be running a campaign module (haven't decided on which one yet) to start out and then go from there. If you are interested you can join our discord group here: https://discord.gg/XZx9R3 or...

Shoot me a message here.