View Full Version : How does FG unzip a mod file?

February 18th, 2018, 13:55

A recent update to AutoHotKey caused my app NPC Engineer to apparently stop being able to compile mod files. A load of investigation tied it down to the AHK update specifically, and I now know that they changed the zip version required to unzip from PKUNZIP 2.0 to PKUNZIP 4.5. Is it possible to confirm if this is indeed my issue, please? How does FG unzip files, and if it is PKUNZIP is it with a version before 4.5?

It isn't a massive issue - I can keep working in the older version of AHK. I'd just like to know for sure that this is the issue :)



February 18th, 2018, 14:04
*unknown* but Windows Compression and 7zip .zip compression both work as is...

Moon Wizard
February 18th, 2018, 20:46
Yeah, I use Windows default compressed file create at home. I think we use “zip” on servers, but I’d have to double-check.


February 19th, 2018, 00:33
Hi guys

I don't think I made myself clear - I must read over my posts before sending them :)

What I really wanted to know was how Fantasy Grounds handles its mod files - is it a custom written zip handler, or is it something bundled with whatever language it is written in? If the latter, is it PKUNZIP based?
If that's not something that can be known or should be known it is ok.

Cheers, and sorry for the lack of clarity in my original post!


Moon Wizard
February 19th, 2018, 00:36
We use ZipLib for FG Classic, and we're currently using Ionic for FGU (though we haven't finalized on that choice yet).


February 19th, 2018, 18:15
Thanks, Moon Wizard. That's what I was after. :)
