View Full Version : Screen Blurring?

February 13th, 2018, 04:13
I don't know if this is an issue with FG or my graphics but I had just ported my FG folder from my laptop to my main computer and now the words on the main screen shift in and out of focus. It seems to refocus when I mouse-over a frame. I have no idea what it could be?
Anyone have an idea? Before: 22228 After mouse-over: 22229

February 13th, 2018, 04:23
Sounds vaguely familiar... I'm thinking graphics driver or graphics setting. You can try one or two of the options in FG's settings. It aslo might be Window's Aero Peek or a Window's theme, but I'm really stretching... Sorry!

February 13th, 2018, 04:31
I'm looking at graphics right now. Thing is, I'm running Win10 on both laptop and main and it was fine on laptop, that's why I'm thinking it's a graphics issue....what a pain in the you know what!
EDIT: Played around with graphics settings, nothing. Deleted and reinstalled FG, same thing. FG is the only program on the whole computer that does this. I can't get it to replicate with any other...I'm at a loss.

EDIT 2: Looks like I had to run with it in cross-compatibility mode for linux and mac in the settings. I wonder why that made a difference when it didn't on my laptop? At least I got it to not be blurry now...
Maybe this'll help someone else out with the same problem. Worked for me.

February 13th, 2018, 12:50
Different computers have different hardware and the software that handles that hardware (drivers). Your graphics hardware and drivers will be different from one computer to the next and can behave differently.

Fantasy Grounds assumes that Windows graphics drivers will update the screen as needed. Sometimes they don’t. The cross compatibility option forces a screen redraw, which requires more CPU resources but can get round issues where the graphics setup running isn’t updating when it should.

February 18th, 2018, 20:41
I had this same problem with my Laptop (windows 10) i toggled on the setting for mac and linux compatibility and it fixed the issue