View Full Version : v3.3.4 Allocation Errors

February 10th, 2018, 23:53
I'm trying very slowly to pinpoint exactly what is causing my errors, but since the latest update, Fantasy Grounds has been crashing fairly regularly and giving me a new error message.

I get the error "Runtime Error: Exception: bad allocation" when I try to import/export any of my existing campaign's characters, or when a player tries to connect to me. Until either of those events, things work normally. This error doesn't happen 100% of the time either. I'd say 50-75% of the time when I test the error, it happens. Once I get that error, I cannot click on anything without the console reappearing with more bad allocation errors. All I can do is right click, hold the button down, then close the program.

I've deleted everything from my module, extension, ruleset, and vault folders. Then let the ruleset and vault folders re-download by updating. The updates have timed out, but eventually finish.

If I run a new campaign with no characters, I cannot recreate the issue, but I've never before had an update essentially ruin my existing game or characters. I don't want to resort to having my characters recreate their characters from scratch, especially if that will not help the issue.

Any idea of what else I could try to fix this "bad allocation" error?

February 11th, 2018, 00:08
A bad allocation error usually points to memory issues. Check what modules, tokens, extensions and image files you have open in your campaign and how much memory FG is using when the campaign is running. If it is around the 3Gb mark then that is your issue. Close any unneeded modules, including token modules, and disable some extensions that you are not using especially if you have many of the decal extensions loaded.

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2018, 00:15
Yes, allocation errors are memory errors meaning there is not enough memory for everything that is being loaded.

* Try reviewing your token folders, and the images you use in your campaigns. Token images should be around 100x100 for Medium tokens, and you might need to set up token modules if you have lots of tokens. Campaign images should be under 2048x2048 for best performance. You should also unshare any images not no longer need to be shared to improve player connection times (click on the circled P or S in the campaign Images list).
* Only enable the minimum number of extensions that you need for your game. (i.e. don't select all the decal extensions, since these will all be loaded into memory)
* Only keep the modules open that you need for your campaign. Close any ones that you are no longer using.


February 11th, 2018, 02:38
Thanks...that makes sense. I guess your updates tipped my computer over the edge. I just opened my campaign and had 3.5 GB of Ram used, over 90% of my total Ram too. I have a rather large campaign running a custom module that has about 20 modules worth of data in it, plus probably way too many images and tokens in my host file. I'll try to clean it up and see if that alleviates my problem. Probably upgrade my Ram too...

February 11th, 2018, 02:44
Don't worry about upgrading your RAM, until FGU is released. FG is a 32 bit application and can not use more than 3.5Gb no matter how much your computer has.

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2018, 04:30
We're not sure if we'll be releasing as a 64-bit client or not. We'll have to assess the compatibility of the overall demographics of the user market. We will be looking at doing some better memory management of loaded images (ruleset, campaign, token and module).


February 11th, 2018, 04:39
Oh, please reconsider. Maybe charge a premium for 64 bit, but please have it at least as an option.

I know it won't help the bandwidth issues, but it is hard to imagine better memory management not still bumping up against the limit. Plus, if you are really going to have 3d stuff, the memory requirements are going to skyrocket it would seem.

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2018, 04:43
There are a number of factors that will affect whether we can offer a 64-bit client:
* Coming up with a good solution to manage which client to deliver in the update system. (Currently, we only have 32-bit Windows client.)
* Availability of 64-bit options for programming libraries we are using.
* Assumption that building 64-bit is as straightforward as 32-bit in Unity. (I never assume, so it's still a question.)

We will have it figured out before launch as to when/whether we will offer a 64-bit client. However, it's not a priority to figure out at this point.


February 11th, 2018, 04:46
Aye, sir. I don't believe SW has ever disappointed us, so I'm sure you will reach the best overall decision. Thanks for keeping us advised on matters such as this. It is nice to hear SW's thoughts on FGU from time-to-time.

February 11th, 2018, 05:46
Better memory management is many times more important than allowing access to more memory. It always will be.
The GM having 8/16/32gb of ram and using it wont help her players with 4/8GB RAM.
These large newer DLCs that are sized at 150mb might only consume a fraction of the memory they currently consume with different graphics libraries and memory management routines.
Not loading every token into memory for example will make a big difference.