View Full Version : My custom subraces are showing up in the wrong spot in Character Creation

February 10th, 2018, 22:31
So I have Custom subraces and Ethnicities that I have added to my D&D 5e game. For some reason when my players or I try to make a character the Human and shifter ethnicities / subraced are mixed into one thing..... The same thing Happens with Goliath and Shade as well... Can someone help me figure out why this is happening?

February 10th, 2018, 22:36
I’m guessing that you haven’t created them properly, but without seeing how you created the races I can’t say why exactly.

February 10th, 2018, 22:49
None of my other Races are doing that and only start to when I add the Shade and Shifter races. I created them all the same way. I watched this video and created them in just the same wayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYdl0sUYbUw&t=469s 22191

February 10th, 2018, 23:29
Not sure what the issue might be. I would need to look at it. Can you put the module somewhere like Dropbox and PM me a link and i’ll See if I can figure it out.

February 11th, 2018, 00:08
I think I figured out the Issue.... I have 2 modules that are similarly named.... both created by me, both probably have similar if not the same .... 22196 I deleted the one on the left...... Now my Shade and Gnomes are mixed and my Shifters and Elves are mixed respectively.....22197 22198 22199 but it looks like it is working otherwise..... If I can get it to actually export correctly I will put it on dropbox

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2018, 00:17
Try selecting Revert from the right click menu in the Library->Modules screen to clear out any module edits that got saved.

If you have custom races in the campaign itself, as well as exported races loaded via a module; there is an issue that was just reported mid week where you would see the subraces merged. A fix for this issue requires a ruleset update that we'll push for the next release (not scheduled yet, since we pushed release on Tuesday).


February 11th, 2018, 00:21
Update..... I exported all the races and well.... no... the races decided to give me a swift kick in the nads... all are gone now EXCEPT the shifter and the shade..... screw it I'll just start fresh delete the mod from the 9 hells and make a new pristine one

February 11th, 2018, 00:38
That sounds like you had a module open with the original races and then added the two you have problems with and exported those to a module with the same name.

When you are creating content like this create a campaign just for the creation process and always go back to that campaign to do edits and updates and only export from that campaign.

February 11th, 2018, 02:42
For module creation, check the link in my sig. Though it is not aimed at races, it does talk about development campaigns and module best practices.