View Full Version : Running FG on Mac

February 10th, 2018, 20:00
Does anyone have experience with FG on a MAC, and would be willing to help me get FG going on mine lol? I'm trying to fiddle with the character import currently (from Hero Lab), but the converter is a windows program and not running under Wineskin. I'm wondering what else might become an issue trying to run FG on MAC OSX.

Thanks for anything!

February 10th, 2018, 23:10
I didn't try to run anything apart form FG itself. This being said FG did work without much trouble. Once you got used to copy-paste the Windows way, e.g. use ctrl instead of cmd, I don't see much more to learn, except if you want to launch two FG on the same computer…

February 11th, 2018, 15:41
Let me ask this...do I Even need my players’ pc info, or do I as the GM get access to their character sheets once they join my campaign?

February 11th, 2018, 16:08
I didn't try to run anything apart form FG itself. This being said FG did work without much trouble. Once you got used to copy-paste the Windows way, e.g. use ctrl instead of cmd, I don't see much more to learn, except if you want to launch two FG on the same computer…

The trick to this is to COPY your current FG application and rename it something like "Fantasy Grounds - Demo"... doesn't really matter the name, so long as it's different (this is mainly so you can have them both in your Finder / Applications folder). On your COPY, remove all of your Fantasy Grounds license info. Then you should start up your licensed version, note the IP info, then start up your COPY, connect it to the licensed instance, then you're on your way.

Last Post
February 11th, 2018, 16:17
Not that this is technical support as much as a work around but I had my players convert their own characters and then simply email me the files which I imported into FG.

February 11th, 2018, 16:23
Let me ask this...do I Even need my players’ pc info, or do I as the GM get access to their character sheets once they join my campaign?

As the DM you host the game and players join you. Once they do so they can create characters using the resources that you provide - such as the Player's Handbook. Players who don't have at least a Standard license can't make characters without joining a DM. Even if they do have a Standard license they won't be able to create characters without joining your game unless they personally own something like the Player's Handbook, and depending on the ruleset, what materials might be available via SRD or OGL documentation.

February 11th, 2018, 17:25
As the DM you host the game and players join you. Once they do so they can create characters using the resources that you provide - such as the Player's Handbook. Players who don't have at least a Standard license can't make characters without joining a DM. Even if they do have a Standard license they won't be able to create characters without joining your game unless they personally own something like the Player's Handbook, and depending on the ruleset, what materials might be available via SRD or OGL documentation.

So if they have hero lab and the demo version...can they make the characters/convert and then email me the files OR do they just upload in-game once they join my campaign.

Sorry for the newb q’s. Just so different than Roll20.

February 11th, 2018, 17:28
Let me ask this...do I Even need my players’ pc info, or do I as the GM get access to their character sheets once they join my campaign?
To add to Mr. Z's answer, yes. If the players import a PC into your campaign (or select one you have already made available or create one in your campaign) you immediately have access to it. Just double click on the icon in the top left corner.

February 12th, 2018, 15:09
The trick to this is to COPY your current FG application and rename it something like "Fantasy Grounds - Demo"... doesn't really matter the name, so long as it's different (this is mainly so you can have them both in your Finder / Applications folder). On your COPY, remove all of your Fantasy Grounds license info. Then you should start up your licensed version, note the IP info, then start up your COPY, connect it to the licensed instance, then you're on your way.
I'm the kind who likes to be really sure, so not to get any license problem copying the FG software (and whatever file was contained in it) I bluntly downloaded the free version a second time and renamed it. You should not have IP issue just using 'localhost' to connect on the same computer.

February 12th, 2018, 15:33
I think we need some clarification around the responses in this thread!

Players who don't have at least a Standard license can't make characters without joining a DM.
This is misleading. Players without a license can still use Manage Characters and create their own PC by entering all the data manually. This is for any of the rulesets supplied as standard with Fantasy Grounds, or any community rulesets installed locally.

Even if they do have a Standard license they won't be able to create characters without joining your game unless they personally own something like the Player's Handbook, and depending on the ruleset, what materials might be available via SRD or OGL documentation.
Players with a standard license can always enter their own PCs. If they don't have any data/library products they can always enter the relevant data manually. This is a key thing to always remember about FG - you don't need to own all the data products to be able to create PCs and play - you can *always* enter the data manually.

So if they have hero lab and the demo version...can they make the characters/convert and then email me the files OR do they just upload in-game once they join my campaign.
They can use the Hero Lab character converter for supported systems - 3.5E, Pathfinder or Savage Worlds. They can load up their converted character in "Manage Characters", manually adjust as necessary and then either export the PC and email the XML to the GM, or select the "local" character when joining the GM's campaign, which will upload the PC data directly to the GM's campaign.

February 12th, 2018, 17:21
They can also use PCGen for 35e, & Pathfinder (maybe 5e and Starfinder? not sure if the statblock is setup for those)