View Full Version : LFP - Savage Mojo's Noir Knights Weds 7:30 EST

February 10th, 2018, 13:35
What Is Noir Knights?
Noir Knights is your own epic. This Suzerain Continuum setting offers a pulpy romp through the terrible destitution and thundering opportunities of 1930s America. Secret organizations, hidden magic, strange technology, and hard-as-nails G-men collide and mix across the canvas of a shattered nation.
The premise of Noir Knights, SPA agents on a secret task force allows more flexibility for players. I had played in a Ripper's game that was open to drop ins, simply because any mission could easily have different agents assigned, and I liked the flexibility for including new players. So I will generally make room for at least one drop in over the 6 players, or as many as it takes to fill the session. So feel free to sign up even if you only want to check it out for a week or two.
This is a Savage Worlds rules setting. Players will start at heroic level, the first two sessions tentatively will be for character creation. Or you can use one of the 6 pre-gens offered from Savage Mojo.
Initially we use my private Teamspeak for voice, after you sign up I will message you with the log in information.
I currently have 4 probablies, and as a newer GM I welcome new players.

February 12th, 2018, 14:22
I completely forgot to include the link to the free pre-gens. While everyone has the option to create their own character in the next few weeks, you can choose to play a pre-gen instead. If you aren't familiar with the setting the pre-gens give you a fair idea of what is possible here. Also all players will be starting at Heroic, so Character creation can take some time.
Those of you who signed up and don't have it all ready I will message you with my teamspeak login info on Wednesday, and my table alias as well.
This is designed to be a drop in friendly game, so anyone notifying me even within an hour before I game they would like to sit in on I check messages every week just before a game and I'll get the info to you.
Also failed to note, I do have an Ultimate license so anyone can play.

February 12th, 2018, 18:22
I'm interested, Mr. Dolby: The G-Man. I'm new to Savage Worlds, but I have the rules. Interested in seeing how this plays. I've got a license.

February 12th, 2018, 21:06
Welcome aboard. This Wednesday will be character creation for those who want to build their own and a chance to explain the setting, meet and greet, etc. I'll message everyone Wednesday morning with server login in info and table alias.

February 13th, 2018, 10:00
Good luck with this Elspeth!!! You know I'd be there if I could!!! I hope there will be recaps posted somewhere. I want to see if anyone else plants a hurricane on top of their group while inside intentionally. :)

February 13th, 2018, 23:53
You will be missed Sammage, though that seems to be the first thing any ruizologist figures out how to work. Happened at FG-Daze as well, much to Miss Bonner's continuing dismay.
The plan on this is to keep one rotating seat or more open, so last minute players who may only want to try a session or two can appear as a "guest agent" or some such.
For recaps, I am still catching up the one shots form the last few months, but we have a dedicated thread on the Savage Mojo forums where I will try to keep up with them.
So if you find yourself unexpectedly free on a Wednesday evening just message me.

February 15th, 2018, 13:17
Well we got through character creation for the weekly Noir Knights game. Screenshot gives you a fair idea of who this party will include, though one player had to leave early so not showing here. Two of the five have played in the other Suzerain one shots I have run, two never played Savage Worlds let alone Suzerain, and one is one of my favorite GM's who has run a lot of SW and is pretty accurate on rules, and very helpful in character creation. It helps that he went and bought the Suzerain PDF and I think Noir Knights, so by the time we sat down last night he was more than able to help the new people with choices, advice, and always era accurate weaponry. Since they had 12 advances to apply, plus create their own telesma ally it took the entire session, but that was all, it took ONE session, which I think was pretty good. So what do we have? A rather strange doctor whose telesma resides in his monocle, an assassin whose telesma resides in his scope, a slightly delusional East coast socialite, a Russian immigrant who escaped the Revolution and has made her way in her new country as a mystic/fortune teller who is the only one who took any of the Noir Knights specialist pulse paths, taximancer. Player thought it fit a gloomy Russian mystic very well. Last not shown here is a G-man. Also drop ins will be welcome week to week as agents on temp assignment to the team and so on.
Also the taximancer has a companion, essentially the driver for the team, and I allowed the assassin to have a pet wolf, his story, he was tracking a quarry through a forest, took the shot, but later found his bullet had struck a female wolf, and he found the cub trying to nurse from it's dead mother. He has a minor vow for a hindrance, to never harm an innocent bystander. To him the wolf was an innocent and it was his mistake, so he took the cub home and raised it to make amends in his own mind. So for next week I need to come up with a plan to have this party assigned to the same mission as a team for the first time. :)

February 15th, 2018, 16:16
Really nice Ellspeth. :)

February 18th, 2018, 13:05
Okay guys I posted Wednesday nights game this week on the calendar if you would be so kind as to note if you will be there or not. For everyone else we still have a seat open for drop ins or those who just want to take a look at something different without a commitment. I have pre-gens you can play as a "guest agent for a session or two.

February 22nd, 2018, 14:16
We had our first regular game session last night, session write up will be found on the Fantasy Grounds games thread on the Savage Mojo forums. https://savagemojo.com/forums/singleForum.cfm?fID=9
I posted dates for the next 3 sessions guys, sign up for the ones you will make. We still have guest seats available for any who want to check it out without a commitment.
I have several new Savage Worlds players and more who never played Suzerain of Noir Knights, but despite that the sessions are going smoothly, proving again Savage Worlds is one of the easiest rulesets for players to pick up and be involved effectively and you guys are doing awesome. And the poor assassin, blown right off the top of the train, ouch that hurt.

February 22nd, 2018, 18:08
I signed up and I am very interested if there is still room. Sadly, the game I was running on Wednesdays ended so I am looking to take a break from running games and try playing in a game if you can fit me

February 22nd, 2018, 19:05
Okay I approved you Daedulus. In this campaign characters are starting at heroic, so unless you prefer to play one of the following pre-gens we will need to arrange time for character creation.
This second link is on building Suzerain characters. All settings use the basic Suzerain edges etc, each specialized setting has additional ones tailored to that setting. Also Noir Knights has 3 magic user types, and they are not like DnD casters. Take a few days and browse the material, message me with questions, ad we can set up a time.
Also last nights session and all future sessions will be written up and posted on the Savage Mojo's forum designated for Fantasy Grounds games. This is last nights session.

February 23rd, 2018, 13:58
I am trying to decide whether to go with a pre-gen (none of which I am thrilled with) or create one from scratch. Would you have time before the Wednesday to help me with a character?

February 23rd, 2018, 14:13
I am usually on my teamspeak and hour or so before the game, sometimes a few of the others show up early to chat. I will ask one who is one of the best people on working out complimentary edges etc I know who is in the game if he can be there early as well. We are building to heroic, so after spending initial creation points we will walk through one advance at a time to twelve advances. At the level your telesma would also get 3 edges. If you look on the calendar you can see what we all ready have. If you don't have my teamspeak login info all ready I will message that to you Wednesday morning.

February 23rd, 2018, 19:18
I am usually on my teamspeak and hour or so before the game, sometimes a few of the others show up early to chat. I will ask one who is one of the best people on working out complimentary edges etc I know who is in the game if he can be there early as well. We are building to heroic, so after spending initial creation points we will walk through one advance at a time to twelve advances. At the level your telesma would also get 3 edges. If you look on the calendar you can see what we all ready have. If you don't have my teamspeak login info all ready I will message that to you Wednesday morning.

Ok I am going to take tonight to figure out what I am going to do and I will let you know.

February 23rd, 2018, 22:25
Okay I'll see you 6:30 Eastern on Wednesday, that gives you time to read some of the setting specific edges, hindrances and powers. There are some really cool ones. We don't have a ruizologist and everyone that has played with those powers seem to really like it. We don't have a railwalker either and since I am building the sessions, they could have used one of those as well.

February 27th, 2018, 16:22
Okay I'll see you 6:30 Eastern on Wednesday, that gives you time to read some of the setting specific edges, hindrances and powers. There are some really cool ones. We don't have a ruizologist and everyone that has played with those powers seem to really like it. We don't have a railwalker either and since I am building the sessions, they could have used one of those as well.

Hey, I wont be able to make it this Wednesday due to a good friend having a death in the family and I will be taking him out to dinner on Wednesday/comforting him. But I will be able to play the next game.

I could make a railwalker if you tell me exactly what a railwalker is since I am looking for ideas for characters

February 27th, 2018, 21:40
"Although they’re not common, and tend to stay out of the public eye when possible, there are people in 1930s’ America who are Gifted, Empowered, Enabled or Sighted (as per Savage Suzerain). But there are also those who are specialized in very precise forms of their art.
There are the ruizologists, ‘magicians of science’ who empower their technology with magic... or maybe it’s the other way around. Then there are the railwalkers, viewed as nothing more than ‘hobos’ to most, who can lay down enchantments in the glyphs and scrawls they draw. And finally, there are the Brothers and Sisters of the Filial Order of St. James, who try to walk the path of light while wielding the dark powers of taximancy.
The railwalkers aren’t really a society. They might never have been, and they certainly aren’t now. There’s no official structure and its members are scattered and isolated. Some would say they haven’t really gone into hiding. It’s just that the more reclusive railwalkers weren’t hunted down. Droop might still be around somewhere, but Hanly is confirmed history. Today, surviving railwalkers are careful to go unnoticed. Even when meeting another of their kind, they check a couple times, maybe tracing a sigil in the air or asking a question about Hanly before invoking
the Res ex Gratia."
This is from the players manual, they also have powers only they can use related to the sigils, I have permission from the publisher to post excerpts, also even if we don't have time to meet before next week I often have my table up, let me know when and you can connect and read the rest of the details if you like.

February 28th, 2018, 12:29
Okay guys we will be running tonight. To others I do have a guest agent seat open tonight.

March 5th, 2018, 22:43
Ellespeth, how would you feel about me taking one of the pre-gens and changing a few things?

March 5th, 2018, 23:12
The published pre-gens are guidelines, no reason at all you can't use one with a few tweaks to make it your own.

March 6th, 2018, 19:43
The published pre-gens are guidelines, no reason at all you can't use one with a few tweaks to make it your own.

Ok I am going to look over the pre-gens tonight and come up with a character

March 7th, 2018, 11:36
That's fine Daedulus I'll be on my teamspeak early as usual. Also to everyone else, I just spent the last 24 hours setting up the new computer and re-downloading Fantasy Grounds forced me to take another table alias. I'll share that with you all on Teamspeak when you log on.

March 7th, 2018, 16:49
That's fine Daedulus I'll be on my teamspeak early as usual. Also to everyone else, I just spent the last 24 hours setting up the new computer and re-downloading Fantasy Grounds forced me to take another table alias. I'll share that with you all on Teamspeak when you log on.

Ok, assuming nothing goes wrong because of all the snow I will be there

March 8th, 2018, 19:25
Now that I have a character created, you will have time between now and next week to get me in. It was fun to listen to last night. I now what to be part of the fun

March 8th, 2018, 19:59
Yes I have some ideas on that. You caught them on the wandering in the wilderness episode. We have set up Savage Mojo Discord though Clyde is still working out a few bugs, I need to get everyone's Discord nics so I can send everyone an invite before next Wednesday, or you can send me a friend invite over there I use Ellspeth on there as well. Hammer and Jim are all ready set to go.

March 8th, 2018, 20:41
Yes I have some ideas on that. You caught them on the wandering in the wilderness episode. We have set up Savage Mojo Discord though Clyde is still working out a few bugs, I need to get everyone's Discord nics so I can send everyone an invite before next Wednesday, or you can send me a friend invite over there I use Ellspeth on there as well. Hammer and Jim are all ready set to go.

I have a discord server of my own and I am set up in Discord so all I will need is the server address and I will be ready to go. So that's at least one less person to worry about

March 9th, 2018, 16:55
I got your PM. Thank you. Wasn't giving you grief, was more excited to play that's all

March 12th, 2018, 15:40
One last thing. I assume you looked at my characters background (I changed some things about the character) and approved of the changes.

March 12th, 2018, 16:04
Yes I did, and it will be up to you to fill the party in how you and the playboy chauffeur that follows Olga about spent your time in Coulee City while waiting for the party to return so you can relay the new orders from their TFC.

March 13th, 2018, 19:55
Ok, that's something to think about between now and tomorow's game

March 14th, 2018, 15:04
Just a reminder to everyone tonight, we play on the new Savage Mojo Discord server, 3 of you have all ready logged into that server, those who haven't can find me on Discord under Ellspeth, or you can find the direct link to the server here:
CYA then, I expect tonight you will be camping with Wily.

March 14th, 2018, 17:09
Just a reminder to everyone tonight, we play on the new Savage Mojo Discord server, 3 of you have all ready logged into that server, those who haven't can find me on Discord under Ellspeth, or you can find the direct link to the server here:
CYA then, I expect tonight you will be camping with Wily.

I will arrive a little early and log in so I can have everything ready to go

March 15th, 2018, 14:19
Thank you for the game last night. It was a lot of fun. Sorry again if I was so quiet, I am still trying to get the hang of the setting which I admit I don't know too much about