View Full Version : LFP (1 or 2): 7 pm EST (GMT -5) DND 5e planned long term campaign

February 8th, 2018, 12:25
Ruleset: D&D 5E
Campaign: Currently working on Sunless Citadel
FG Version Needed: Just Demo. I have an Ultimate license.
Play times: Wednesdays at 7:00pm Eastern Time
Voice: Discord
Play style: 50/50 roleplay/combat (though as a DM I prefer when the group role plays the adventure rather than roll plays it)
Current Party Level: 2

I got convinced to be DM for a group of friends who used to game together and are now spread across the country. I wasn't our regular DM and we didn't play 5e, so I'm still learning. I also only got FG recently and am still learning that as well. So, my point is that there may be some rough edges to the game as we figure out the rules and/or FG mechanics. The group is good though and we don't debate rules as much as figure out how to apply them when they're unfamiliar. If you're a rules lawyer, get annoyed by people who don't know instantly how to use the FG interface, or demand strict seriousness from a gaming session we're not the group for you! :)

I am using purchased modules for the most part and plan to string them together in a roughhewn manner. With my RL time constraints this is the easiest way to handle things. The games run for ~3 hours normally. We stop around 10ET when it seems like a good lull in the action has occurred. Some sessions have run until 11 or a bit after, but those are not the norm.

We need at least 1 other player since we lost a few who had time conflicts. We have a Monk, Ranger, and Cleric left in the group. I think if we get the right people I can probably handle 2 more players without losing my mind. The group is in the middle of the Sunless Citadel with a stirred up set of Goblins. I can weave new players into the situation pretty easily. Once I know who is coming on board I'll run a session with just the newbies getting them into the same location as the current group for a meet cute or something. :)

Send me a PM if interested with a little info about yourself and what character concept you want to play.

February 9th, 2018, 03:14
Thanks to everyone who PM'd. The table is full now.