View Full Version : Missing Tabs in themes Simple Simple Brown and Gray?

February 7th, 2018, 14:03
Is it my impression or the tabs of simple brown and simple gray themes are missing in DOE-Sounds and DOE-Locations?

February 7th, 2018, 14:35
I recommend you check the individual extension threads and post there. If you have issues with extensions always check and post in the relevant extension thread.

February 7th, 2018, 15:11
Is it my impression or the tabs of simple brown and simple gray themes are missing in DOE-Sounds and DOE-Locations?

No, they're there, they're just "misaligned"- it's something I've got to fix (I ran out of time, and it doesn't take away from the core-functionality of the DOEs, so it can wait until I can get back to it).

February 7th, 2018, 15:24
Thanks Trenloe and Thanks Dulux :D