View Full Version : Reordering story entries

February 1st, 2018, 09:06
So, I'm trying to take two modules obtained from a third party with existing story entries, combine them, reorder things, and insert my own story entries in various places between entries from these other modules. Ideally, I would like the forward/back buttons at the bottom of the story entries to move logically through my new configururation of story entries. The titles are all alphabetical, but the forward/back arrows don't recognize the new configuration - they page through each individual previous module and through my own entries separately.

Is there any way to solve this, or is this the natural occurrence of combining existing modules? I can insert forward/back links into each entry manually but I would ideally like to avoid that. :)


February 1st, 2018, 10:44
FG uses an alpha numerical ordering system. So in order to get things in the order you want give your Story entries a number.

So your first chapter might be 01.00 and the pages in that chapter would be 01.01, 01.02 etc then chapter tqo is 02.00 and pages 02.01 etc etc. If you are gouing to have more than 99 pages in any one chapter star the chapter as 01.000; if you don't need more than 9 chapters then you can miss out the leading zero - so 1.00 will be fine.

To use the up arrow effectively make the first page (Contents) or (Index) including the brackets so that they come first in the order. So when the up arrow is pressed it will take you to a contents page (only if you desire this of course).

February 1st, 2018, 14:33
Is there any way to solve this, or is this the natural occurrence of combining existing modules?
As far as FG is concerned you haven't combined modules together, you have opened data from one (or more) module sources and although they will display together when the "All" group is selected, they are still stored separately. The forward/back buttons are designed to go forward/back within each data source so that the original design of the flow is kept.

You can copy the original story entries into the campaign (click & drag the link briefly in the story list) but this will create a new story record in the campaign and any links that point to that story entry will point to the original story not the new one. So, it's possible to do, but you may have a lot of work to do and you might not be able to recreate all of the original module links without that module open - especially if it's a commercial module that has story links on a map.

February 1st, 2018, 16:31
Oops, sorry misread the post. I assumed that you had already made copies of the modules.

February 2nd, 2018, 06:02
Thanks guys, this helps. As expected, no clean way to accomplish without some significant manual reworking.