View Full Version : New homebrew 5e

January 27th, 2018, 00:46
FG License:Ultimate
Game System: DND 5e

Time Zone: US Central
Day of week and time: Thursdays 7-10pm Central
If new game, planned start date: 2/1/18
Planned Duration & Frequency: Duration 3-4 months weekly

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: Player Based
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-5
Character starting level & equipment:2nd lvl
Character restrictions: Open to all races except Dwarves and Elves/ Half Elves all classes open

Details of your scenario: The Forgotten realms have for centuries been run by the followers of Pelor after the God Wars ended. Players come from the sword coast where Pelors power hold strong, Beyond the Boarders of the sword coasts storms brew as roomers of cults rising up in the name of the unknown god. Adventures must be careful in such turbulent times as the road holds many unknowns.

Link to Gamecalendar page:https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2944

January 27th, 2018, 18:29
I have been watching many you tube videos over the past few months trying to learn from other DMs on common mistakes and ideas on how to DM a game successfully with all types of players in mind. This short term campaign is my way of practicing some of these ideas with a consitant group of players. I expect play to be a bit slower then the usual AL game with learning all around.

January 27th, 2018, 22:32
Would love to join, usually DM but I'm dying to play a Fey Pact Warlock. Let me know if you still got room. I actually always do homebrew Forgotten Realms so this setting is very appealing.

January 27th, 2018, 23:34
I'd like to try this out. sounds fun.

January 28th, 2018, 00:02
Im glad to see that there is some interest. I forgot to mention that I will be asking everyone to play Good Aligned Characters just for the ease on my as a relatively new DM.

January 29th, 2018, 00:59
Is there still room open?

January 30th, 2018, 03:12
I would be interested in playing if there are still open spots. I am new to fantasy grounds and d&d but I'm a fast learner and willing to play pretty much whatever role the group needs. I can use discord.