View Full Version : Puzzle Room Battle Map

January 26th, 2018, 05:55
This is a puzzle room I designed for my campaign. In my setting the players must unlock 3 of the orbs, which have keys in order to open the door and descend into the next area. There are six total keys available, so the players are not progress blocked if they can't figure out one room. In my story one room requires the player to reach through fire (wisdom check), one room requires a particular series of tiles to be stepped on to cross a gap, one room has three pillars that must be spun to display the correct order of words/ symbols, one room is a gas chamber (constitution check), one room is full of snakes (dexterity check), and one room has a incense burner that summons a combatant. So I guess only a few are actually puzzles the rest will cause caution and probably over thinking before they eventually are successful. Anyway, feel free to use the map if you like.

January 26th, 2018, 06:03
Nice one Denmok.