View Full Version : Disaster Recovery for ongoing game

January 25th, 2018, 09:23
I've been using Fantasy Grounds for years and the great thing is - it just works and I have a game this coming Saturday. The problem is this - my computer died. I have a new computer coming tomorrow or Friday but I need to get my current game up and running. Is it just as simple as copying all the data files from the old hard drive to the new one - after installing Fantasy Grounds?

Do you have an article with a walk through of moving everything from one computer to another?

Please help so I can get the game up and running for Saturday.

January 25th, 2018, 10:03
If you can access the old hard drive, copy over the contents of your Data directory. Should be good to go. Fingers crossed... not a good situation (but... congrats on the new computer!).

January 25th, 2018, 14:56
Yes, it is that simple! :) Assuming you can access the HDD anyway, like @JohnD said. You'll want to copy over the /campaigns/ folder to your new FG install to specifically grab your campaign database. Maybe copy the /extensions/ and /modules/ folders too if you had any community extensions or modules loaded.

January 25th, 2018, 15:09
Pretty much copy everything over to make sure you get everything - rulesets, modules, extensions, portraits, cache, characters, tokens, etc.. Then run an update as the encrypted vault will need to be recreated.

January 25th, 2018, 20:42
Pretty much copy everything over to make sure you get everything - rulesets, modules, extensions, portraits, cache, characters, tokens, etc.. Then run an update as the encrypted vault will need to be recreated.

Apparently I should know where these files are located. What’s the path they are under exactly? And I should just copy everything and then sync?

January 25th, 2018, 20:46
Install FG on the new computer so you have the data directory. Start FG and click the folder icon in the top right of the main startup screen - this is the data folder on the new install.

The, go to the "Data folder" on the old computer - info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/File_Locations Copy over everything from the data folder on the old computer to the new - don't overwrite anything. This means you should have the latest products, with all of your campaigns and custom stuff.